Introduction: Quick Smothie

Recently Yoplait came out with a smoothie in a bag that you can dump in a blender with milk and be done with it.  At $3 for 16 oz. of smoothie it wasn't such a bad deal for the convince but i decided that i could make my own and save some money. for about $10 i can make about 20 8 oz. smoothies saving about $20. 

Step 1: Ingredients

1 Large container of your favorite yogurt (I chose Danon light and fit vanilla)
1 Bag of frozen strawberries
1 bag of frozen blueberries 
1 bunch of bananas
Milk or Orange Juice  
1 ice cube tray 
1 scale (optional)
20 or so snack size zip top or vacuum seal bags.

i will be showing how to make single serving bags but could easily doubled or more depending if you will normally be enjoying your breakfast alone or with a friend.

Step 2: Prep Work

 Start out by filling your ice-cube tray with yogurt and placing it in the freezer. 

Step 3: Assembly

 the total weight should be close to 4 oz.
i have found that the best mix is about 3 oz of fruit to about 1 oz. yogurt.
place a large cup or bowl on the scale and start out by slicing the bananas in to the cup until it reaches 1.5 oz. and then dump it in to the zip top bag. repeat until you are out of bananas or happy with the number of bags. 

i use a scale you don't have to if you don't have one. this is about 1/3 to 1/2 a banana

Step 4: Berries

 i mix up the mix on mine because i get board. 
usually i make about 1/3 with each 
1.5 oz. of strawberries and 0.0 oz. of blueberries 
.75 oz. of strawberries and .75 oz. of blueberries 
0.0 oz. of strawberries and .75 oz. of blueberries

place the berries into the bags along with the bananas and set aside again

1.5 oz. of strawberries is about 5 large straw berries and about 15 or so blueberries

Step 5: Yogurt

 Weigh out a "average" yogurt cube and weigh it out. mine are about 1 oz. each. take the amount of cubes you need to make a oz. and cut them in to peices about the same size of the strawberries to make it easier on your blender and place in the bag.

If you like to add honey or supplements you can do this now and then seal the bag.
On occasion i ad a spoonful of vitamin C powder or a b12 complex for a added immune or energy boost.

Step 6: Enjoy

 for my 4 oz. bags i add about  3 fl oz. of milk or orange juice to the blender with the contents of the bag and blend on smoothie for about 1.5 minutes or until no large chunks. if you would like to drink through a straw add a extra 1-1.5 oz of milk or O.J. if you don't have a smoothie setting i believe that it is Medium speed. 

To save even more money you can purchase all items at a costco like store in bulk since you are already dividing it all up.