Introduction: Quick and Easy Bench Frames and Legs!

About: I am a teacher who enjoys environmentally responsible woodworking. Most evenings will find me in the shop working with my now 8 year old son Shay who is both my greatest helper and biggest fan.
When I need to construct a sturdy, simple and rustic bench frame this is the model I go to first.  In this video I use two difrent benches to highlight the box frame and bread-board design I use.  It is based off a lot of farm-craft traditional benches I see built by people with a minimum of materials and tools.  It also makes great work of available resources.  The wood you see in these projects we cut from a Mulberry that died of old age, a Poplar that was blown down and White Birch that was removed during land clearing (hey at least I got to it before it became firewood)  The joinery is all simple glue and screws with plugs and pocket screws to hold the seats down.  Most of the hardware is recycled from some dismantling I did.