Introduction: R2M8N Game for Micro/Nano/Mini Quadcopters Drones
Are you bored of spinning your quadcopter around the room, landing on the most inappropriate objects?
In this tutorial I'll explain how to make a cool play set for micro/nano/mini drones using an Arduino Uno.
Any constructive comment about how to improve this playset, would be greatly appreciated!
For this Instructable, you need:
Paper and 2 elastic bands (stuff you probably have already at home)
Glue for wood (solvent free) UHU POR is simply perfect!
2x A4 3mm foam boards (or 2 trays you'll find under the pizza you buy at the supermarket)
Electronics parts you need:
I prepared a list in .txt with all the links (bottom of this page).
You can buy these parts cheaply @Banggood:
LCD Diplay I2C
Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
Arduino UNO Compatible (No cable)
Duracell 9V battery PP3
or Lipo Battery
Jumper Wire Male to Female
Jumper Wire Male to Male
LED 3mm Blue
LED 5mm Blue
JST Switch
***2-LED Simple Flash Circuit Board Module
***Mandatory Sandisk Micro SD Card 1GB
16 Permanent magnets 3mm ***Safety warning (If you have little kids)***
Be sure to place the magnets securely to the top of the playset with glue and sell-o-tape.
Step 1: Making the Paper Mache With the Shape of Your Favourite Planet/Satellite/Dome
Using the paper mache technique (well-known on Instructables website), make your favourite Planet/Satellite/Dome.
Take an inflated party balloon, or a ball (but please cover it with a cling film, to avoid to ruin it with the glue).
Use a large lid to keep the balloon/ball in place during the creation of the paper mache.
Prepare a mixture of wood glue (solvent free) and water on it in a disposable plastic bowl.
Soak the pre-cut stripes of paper (the newspaper is perfect) one at the time and lay it on the balloon/ball.
This process is quite tedious and it requires a bit of patience.
You should lay at least 3 layers of paper stripes to make the play set robust.
Let the dome dries up for 24 hours and start to paint it (with water based painting).
Step 2: Cutting the Paper Mache and Installing the Touch Sensor
Cut the top of the dome (the diameter of that circle will be the same of your landing platform).
Using some 3mm foam board, cut one circle with the same diameter of the upper part of the dome and another one 3/4cm larger.
Glue some kitchen foil on both the circles (this is going to be your DIY touch sensor).
Place the larger disc of foam board inside the hemispheric section (it should be placed less 1 cm from the top), therefore adjust the diameter until you'll find the size that suits you.
When you reach the right height, glue it.
Place the permanent magnets at the edges of the circles (checking the polarity) and glue them.
Repeat the same process for the lid/top (always checking the polarity).
Check if the magnets keep the top in place (for aesthetic/storage purposes).
You now have the top, one disc of foam with the same diameter of it and the hemispheric section, with the other disc glue inside.
Place the elastic bands at the top of the hemispheric section, using some toothpicks to make that part stronger.
Step 3: Cutting the Holes/windows
Cut the holes for the ultrasonic sensor (please skip to step 7 for the right position of it), the speaker and the LCD display.
Step 4: Testing the Electronics and Installing It Inside the Prepared Dome
Test all the electronics before putting everything into the prepared dome.
Attach the ultrasonic sensor, the speaker and the LCD display, using double sided tape.
(please skip to step 7 for the right position of the ultrasonic sensor)
Install the LED for the platform.
Install the electronics (Arduino board and the breadboard).
Cut a foam plate to close the base of the play set and create a little handle to put it into the right place.
You should now remove the push button from the breadboard and you should connect one wire to the lower part of the DIY touch sensor and the second one to the other foam disc.
I used some copper foil adhesive guitar shield, because it conducts better than the foil.
Step 5: Testing the Play Set and Possibly Having Fun With It!
Test the play set and have fun with your drone!
Step 6: Add-on... Converting Your File 0000.wav in 0000.ad4 (WTV020SD Module)
How to convert the WAV format into AD4 for the module WTV020SD-16P.
Download the software (i.e Wavepad editor) that allows you to modify the attributes of your file .wav.
Download the ad4converter.
When you finish the conversion and you have the AD4 file keep the numeration 0000.ad4 for track 1,
0001.ad4 for track 2,
0002.ad4 for track 3 and... so on!
After the upload to the sd card I do recommend to test the WTV020SD module.
Step 7: Update... I Moved the Ultrasonic Sensor to the Center of the Landing Platform and I Did a Bit of Artwork
To detect in a better way the approach for landing of the mini/micro/nano quad copter, I moved the ultrasonic sensor to the centre of the platform.
I did also a bit of artwork.
Now it looks super-cool!
Step 8: The Finishing Touches
After a bit of coding, I've been able to squeeze a countdown timer in this play set (on the LCD display), that records the time it takes to land the drone, on the "Moon".
(After this add-on I don't have any digital pin available on the Arduino Uno development board)
I've also added the on/off switch that makes this play set very close to a product you'd probably like to find on the shelf of a toy/RC shop.
I mean, if there was, I would have bought it, instead of making it!