Introduction: RAISED Vegetable Bed With Storage Underneath

About: I live in Somerset, England. I have always been practical and creative. I just love problem solving and reusing/ recycling materials for my projects..
 How to make a "raised up" raised vegetable bed with storage underneath . 
In a small garden, space is always at a premium so here is how I have  a simple idea to maximising the space. 

Step 1: The Wooden Bed: Materials

Old bunk bed (slats)
Other wood will also be required 
wooden crate
Old plastic shower curtain
Hollow fibre stuff used for quilting
Porous woven material , I used an old tarpaulin but have used builders bulk delivery bag
Wood preserver, .

Step 2: Make Up the Raised Bed

- If the bed is complete then make up one bunk 
-Put the wooden slatts in.
-Add the slats from the second bunk bed to make a more solid table.
NB I had to remove the slats from the  webbing which joined them together
-Screw the slats in position
-Paint with preservative

Step 3: Raise to the Right Height

 -I used an old crate to lift the bed higher from the ground to make it a better working height for me and provide more storge underneath.
-I made supports for each end of the bed to take the weight 
-Remember to work out the working height which includes your containers
- If using just slats then add edging this is to keep the plastic sheet up at the edges and keep the water from draining away

Step 4: Waterproof Layer

 -Lay plastic sheet on the bed
 -Lay hollow fibre on top

Step 5: Porous Woven Layer

 Put a layer of plastic woven sheeting on top , the water must be able to pass through into the layer below.

Step 6: Add Containers

 Place boxes, containers on top and fill and sow or plant up

Vegetables grown on the raised bed
Mixed Salad 
Mustard leaves,
Wintergreen cabbage
Cavolo kale
Lambs lettuce, 

Step 7: Next Instructable

 Plant protection ideas for raised veg bed