About: Recipes and tips for eating clean and living green

I have some exciting news for Christie at Home! Over the weekend I shot my first YouTube video for this recipe and it's now available on my channel (click here to subscribe). I am so pumped about YouTube. It's the next move I need to take with Christie At Home. I was going back and forth in whether I should pursue it. There are a lot of people who love to hate by commenting and being someone who needs to seek approval from others, I didn't think it would work for me. But I realized I can't let negative people prevent me from growing my blog. I had to remind myself that for every 1 hater out there, is probably another 5-10 people who are kind and supportive - those are the ones who matter. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video as it took me about 9 hours to make my first one! Hopefully with enough practice and time, it will get faster but I have a new appreciation for all those YouTubers who do this regularly along with full time jobs!

I want to say thank you to everyone who has suggested or pushed me to go down this route. Without your voices encouraging me, I probably wouldn't have. So if you guys do enjoy the video, I'd LOVE IT if you can subscribe to my channel so you can receive the videos on your YouTube feed. Feel free to share my videos across your social platforms or by word of mouth - I would appreciate that a lot! Now without further ado, click here for the video or scroll down to watch it. Don't forget to LIKE it if you enjoyed watching!

This recipe is pretty simple to make but does require some slicing and dicing time. The rice noodles also require a 30 minute soak in warm water. As for the chicken, I'm using certified humane chicken by Blue Goose Pure Foods. Well I hope you guys enjoy this recipe! If you make it, please take a picture of it and tag @christieathome on Instagram and it may be featured. If you're not on Instagram, please share it with your family and friends.

Disclaimer: I am not sponsored by any companies listed in this post.



  • 250 g of vermicelli rice noodles (dry version)
  • 4 organic celery stalks, sliced into matchstick
  • 1 organic carrot, peeled into thin pieces
  • 3 stalks of green onion, sliced into matchsticks
  • 1 organic red bell pepper, sliced
  • 3 garlic cloves, sliced
  • 3 boneless skinless chicken thighs, sliced
  • 2 tsp of corn starch
  • 4 tbsp of avocado oil for frying

Noodle Sauce:

  • 1 tbsp of cane sugar
  • 4 tbsp of water
  • 4 tbsp of organic light soy sauce


  1. Prepare your ingredients as listed above.
  2. Before frying, pre-soak vermicelli noodles in a large bowl filled with warm water for 30 minutes until soft but not soggy. Meanwhile, in a medium size bowl mix the chicken with corn starch to tenderize the meat. In small bowl, combine soy sauce, cane sugar and water stirring until sugar is dissolved.
  3. In a wok set on high heat, add your avocado oil and garlic cloves. Slow fry garlic until fragrant. Next add in sliced vegetables and fry until soft, about 3-5 minutes. Remove from pan and set aside.
  4. Lower heat to medium. Add the chicken slices and green onions into your wok. Fry chicken until about halfway cooked. Lightly season with salt. Remove from wok and set aside.
  5. Add fried vegetables back into the wok, followed by the chicken with green onions and vermicelli. Mix altogether. Then pour the noodle sauce over the noodles and mix until noodles are evenly coated in sauce. Serve and enjoy!

*Cook's Note: If the noodles are too difficult to move in your wok, use a pair of clean scissors to snip them into smaller pieces for easier frying. *