Introduction: ROUTER TABLE

Updated: 2024/02/19

Router table for 64-66mm diameter router etc Makita router.

Latest download and 3D model 2024/02:


I designed the 3D model and the drawings at the very end. I had an idea for the overall dimensions. I just had to find the pieces in the workshop that would fit. The table is made from wooden boards that I had lying around in my wood workshop and an old dinning table.


Step 1:

Drawing and dimension.

240219 - Overfræserbord

Step 2:

The top plate used to be an old dining table.

I made two slots. One for the feather boards: 11mm wide, 10,5mm deep. The other one is for the angle protractor.

Step 3:

Steps to the final product.

Step 4:

The final router table.

Step 5: