Introduction: Cloud Seismograph With Intel Edison

About: Un luogo di incontro per aziende, scuole e makers per un’ Italia che vuole tornare ad #innovare; un’officina aperta dove far nascere progetti innovativi e nuove professionalità.

We are a group of makers who like to spend nights and weekends tinkering
with tecnology here at Verona FabLab (Verona is a town in the North of Italy) and with this instructable we want to describe the project we've realized for Intel Maker contest.

This project is composed of a number of stations. The station is equipped with triaxial acceletometers, it has the aim to measuring values of the seismic events.
To do this we will use an accelerometer MMA7660 capacitive with a digital interface type I2C. The sensor can measure accelerations up to 1.5g with a precision of 6 bits. To understand if we are facing a seismic event it goes to check the module of the acceleration vector. If this is not within the measuring range of 0.05g, the measure is sent to the front end. The refresh rate is 10 milliseconds. Each station has a name that is transformed the GPS coordinates from the front end.

Step 1: The Hardware


  • Intel Edison
  • Intel Arduino Board Shield Extension
  • Accelerometro Groove MMA7760

Assemble the system is simple, the only thing to do is insert the cables from the system Groove in the door of the accelerometer and the other in one of the ports marked with the inscription I2C card.

Step 2: The Software

The software running on the Intel Edison is composed by:

  • an application in nodejs installed into Intel Edison

On the cloud part we have:

  • an Ubuntu server running Apache webserver and nodejs
  • a node-red flow that receives the payloads from Intel Edison and saves them on a database
  • a MySQL database
  • an HTML page with a Leaflet map with heatmap plugin for data visualization
  • a php for database data extraction

Download the source code from github:

First you have to prepare the Intel Edison, please flash the latest firmware, then access via serial terminal and configure the system and the wifi network. You can do this by following the steps of the official documentation of Intel:

Installed and run Intel XDK IoT Edition on your computer:
Open the project and press the button "upload" in bottom tab.

Step 3: Let's See the Results

At you can view the data of the stations complete with the date and time of the seismic event. The system proposes the graph of acceleration divided on the three axes.