Introduction: Rambutan Inspired 3D Print - Agilus Material

About: Interior Design Student at California State University, Long Beach

A soft gel replica of a Rambutan Fruit

This project is created as a course assignment at the California State University, Long Beach; taught by Behnaz Farahi: DESN 551: Materials, Tools, and Techniques of Prototype.


Discord Midjourney, Scaniverse Iphone App, Meshmixer, 3D Printer, Agilus Material

Step 1: Discord Midjourney

Find inspiration and ideations through the Midjourney Discord application by typing in Imagine/Rambutan Corset Top on Female Body

Step 2: Scan Rambutan

Create a white backdrop to perform 3D scan of Rambutan fruit. Using the Scaniverse app on an iphone with a Lidar lense, scan entire Rambutan fruit getting every angle in one single scan. Export as obj. file.

Step 3: Meshmixer

Open obj. file in Meshmixer. Delete everything around the Rambutan. Cut Rambutan scan in half using the plane cut under the edit icon. Select make solid under the edit icon. This will make your Rambutan print cleaner with no cracks.

Step 4: Meshmixer "arms"

Some of the scanned Rambutan "arms" will be filled with holes from the Scaniverse app. To fix this, use the RobustSmooth tool as a brush under the sculpt tool in Meshmixer. Smooth down any "arms" that are broken or have holes. Replicate the "arm" in it's place using the drag tool as a brush under the sculpt tool. This will replicate the "arm" as a full solid, allowing it to print cleaner.

Step 5: 3D Print

Save your file as an obj. file. Send to your Polyjet 3d Printer using soft, agilus material. This will print your object as clear transparent. Wait around 4 hours for your scan to be complete. Voila!