Introduction: Ranch and Green Pepper Pinwheels
I would like to share a step-by-step how to on creating tasty, home-made pinwheels from the comfort of your own home, with little money or time investment (can be done in a few hours). Great for family gatherings, holidays, super bowl parties.
*Safety precaution*- handling knives is very serious business, take a moment to review some pro tips by clicking on the attached video!
Step 1: Ingredients Needed
Collect needed ingredients for this recipe:
1. 8 oz. Kraft Finely Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
2. Large Cutting Knife
3. Cutting Board
4. 1 packet Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning Mix (1oz)
5. 1 Green Pepper
6. 2 8 oz. blocks any brand cheese
7. Soft Taco Size Flour Tortillas, Medium
8. 1 Medium Size Mixing Bowl
9. 1 Metal Tablespoon
10. 1 Serving Tray
11. Plastic Wrap
Step 2: Cream Cheese to Room Temperature
Remove 2 8oz. blocks of cream cheese from the refrigerator, then remove them from the box and allow to warm to room temperature.
Once warm, remove cream cheese from foil and place into bowl.
If you are in a pinch for time, it's also acceptable to microwave the cream cheese for 30 seconds to a minute.
Step 3: Mix Cream Cheese
Using the tablespoon, mix cream cheese to desired consistency by hand.
Ideally you want the 2 blocks to merge into 1.
Step 4: Add Dried Ranch
Open the packet of dried ranch, and add 1/2 the packet of dried ranch seasoning (approx .5oz) to cream cheese mixture.
Using tablespoon, mix the ranch seasoning until you reach desired mixture.
Once desired mixture is reached, place to the side for use in a couple of steps. There is no need to refrigerate at this point.
Step 5: Preparing Green Pepper
Cut the top off of 1 green pepper.
Remove the core from green pepper and dispose of.
Cut the green pepper into half, then into quarters.
Step 6: Dice Green Pepper
Take one of the 1/4 slices of green pepper and place on the cutting board.
Hold the slice and cut into strips.
Once strips are cut, rotate and cut across the strips (dice).
Continue to dice the green pepper until entirely diced.
Step 7: Mix Green Peppers In
With green pepper diced cubes on cutting board, bring cutting board to cream cheese mixture and dump peppers in.
Mix green pepper into mixture until you reach a satisfactory mix.
Step 8: Taco Shells
Remove 4 soft taco shells from packaging. There is no need to microwave these.
Lay the 4 shells out on the counter to prepare for cream cheese mixture.
Step 9: Add Mixture to Taco Shells
With soft taco shells on counter, begin scooping out approx 1/4 of mixture (4oz.) onto the 1st shell, into the center of the shell.
Continue by putting a scoop of mixture onto the center of each soft taco shell.
Spread mixture around taco shells to completely cover surface.
Step 10: Cheddar Cheese
Using Kraft Finely Shredded Cheddar Cheese, sprinkle cheese onto each taco shell on top of cream cheese mixture to liking.
Step 11: Roll Up
Roll up each soft taco shell tight enough that it stays rolled, but not so tight that cream cheese oozes out edges.
Place rolled up taco shells onto serving tray.
Place plastic wrap over tray and store in refrigerator overnight.
It is acceptable to place tray into freezer if you're in a pinch for time.
Step 12: Cut and Serve
Once cream cheese mixture inside of taco shell has had time to harden, remove from refrigerator.
Slice the ends off of pinwheel and discard. Or eat!
Slice the remainder of the taco shell into pieces at desired you have pinwheels! Please be sure to review the knife tips in the beginning of this presentation to ensure that you don't get hurt during this process. Muscle fatigue is a very real concern.
Continue to slice pinwheels up and place back onto serving tray. Organize any way you find most appealing, this is really dependent on how you want to present the pinwheels.
Once all pinwheels are sliced, serve to your lucky party guests!! Pinwheels are guaranteed to be a hit any gathering!