Introduction: Rasp Light
I know there are lots of tutorials to make Ambilight with raspberry but none of them worked for me.
So I tried different steps of different manuals and I was able to make that work.
So let’s start by the parts:
- Raspberry pi 2 Model B
- Digitaler LED-strip WS2801 50 Leds RGB
Let’s talk about software for the raspberry pi.
I’ve tried Openelec and now I’m using OSMC, in openelec I couldn’t make the lights came on so I tried OSMC and everything work nice and smoothly.
Step 1: Installing OSMC on Raspberry Pi 2
First you need to download OSMC
Now download the tool to put the image in the SD card. (Win32 Disk Imager)
Open Win32 -> Select the Device(SDCARD) -> Choose the image & click write.
Turn on the raspberry pi and complete the configurations.
Step 2: The Next Step Is to Install Hyperion to Make the Lights Work.
- Preparing your system
Download OSMC updates
sudo apt-get update
Install OSMC updates
sudo apt-get upgrade
Install pre-requisite packages
sudo apt-get install git libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libqt4-network libusb-1.0-0 libprotobuf9 ca-certificates
- Installing Hyperion
Download Hyperion
wget -N
Install hyperion
sudo sh ./
- Enable GPIO's:
Enter this command:
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Add this text to the end of the document, and then press Alt+O (Ctrl-O on Mac) to save, and Alt-X (Ctrl-X) to close, the document.
Step 3: Connections
Now that we have everything install and configured it’s time to connect the LEDs to Raspberry.
The LED strip has four wire connections.
- 5v, Clk, DI & GND.
We need to connect the 5Volts and Ground wires to an external power supply, they recommend at least 5V 2Amps.
The LED strip usually came whit 2 Ground(GND) wires because you need to connect the GND to raspberry to.
So the wiring connections are:
- CK(CLK) -> Raspberry Pin 23 (GPIO11)
- DI -> Raspberry Pin 19 (GPIO17)
- GND -> Raspberry Pin 20 (GND)
If some how doesn't work try to connect to the other end of the cable.
Step 4: Final Product
Now you can arrange the led behind the TV. I put 16 leds on top and bottom and 9 leds on each side.