Introduction: Raspberry Bark
I recently tried some tasty fresh Raspberry Bark at Danville Chocolates and wanted to try making it myself. Mine is a bit different and I'm sure I'm using much cheaper and different base, but the results are still pretty tasty.
If you want to try a version with freeze-dried fruit instead of fresh, you can try this fruity chocolate bark recipe.
Instructable 303
Step 1: Supplies
You only need 2 things, white chocolate (here are some white chocolate recommendations) or vanilla almond bark and raspberries to make these, but you can also try to jazz them up a bit with some different toppings.
- 16oz Vanilla Candiquik
- about 6oz of Raspberries - I bought 12oz because I wasn't sure how much I would need and used about half for 16oz of vanilla candy coating, I would say to use at least 6oz raspberries if not more to balance it.
- Extra vanilla candiquik or white chocolate for drizzling on top (you can have extra or set some aside and melt it at the end)
- Freeze dried raspberries (optional) - I only used a tiny bit to smash and drizzle on top so I wouldn't say to get this just for this recipe but if you like them anyway or have them, try putting some on top to give it a little extra color
Other supplies:
- Baking mat - I like to use them for making chocolate bark because it comes off easily and is reusable
- Baking pan - to put the mat on, makes it especially handy if you are putting this in the fridge to cool
- Melting bowls and spoons
Step 2: Clean Raspberries
Start by making sure your raspberries are clean and dried. You don't want little leaves or bugs to get in your bark and you don't want to get water all over it.
Step 3: Melt Your Base
Time to get it all going.
Melt your chocolate / candiquik or whatever you are using.
Spread it on your mat. I made mine kind of thick to mimic the one I found at the candy store, but what I learned is you need to keep in mind how sweet your base is. If you use the candiquik like me, it is pretty sweet and you are probably going to want to spread it thinner. If your base isn't as sweet, you can make it thick.
While it is still melted, generously place the raspberries. Make sure you stick them in there so they don't come off and put as many as you want. Remember, if it is thicker, you probably want more to keep things balanced.
If I were to make it this thick again, I would add more than you see in the pictures.
Step 4: Toppings
To finish mine off, I melted some extra white chocolate chips I had and spread it over the raspberries and then smashed and sprinkled freeze dried raspberries.
I am horrible at sprinkling so it is more like globbed on, but you get the idea ;)
Step 5: Fridge and Break
My candiquik even says on the package to fridge it, so I let mine harden and cool in the fridge but you can also try to carefully cover and leave it out to harden, it will just take longer.
Once it comes out, break or cut it into pieces. If you have it thick (like me) it will be hard to break. I had to do a combination of trying to cut while bending it to break it up. Hence the messiness.
Also, to try to keep it neat, when I broke it, it wanted to break at the raspberries (the weak points) so I cut them so each piece would be even.
Step 6: All Done!
It's all done!
Eat what you want fresh and you can leave it out for a while, but you will need to store it in the fridge. While it is mostly sugar, it also has fresh fruit so it won't last a long time and you can't leave it out.
So, enjoy it, but don't hang onto it too long!