Introduction: Raw Brownie

About: I'm a computer engineering student.I love creating things.

In this Instructable I will show you how to make raw brownie. This homemade raw brownie recipe is very easy to make, using very few ingredients. There is something cool about a healthy brownie with walnut topping. They are really easy to make, if I can do it, you can do it, let's get started!

Don't forget to follow me. :) If you have any questions or comments leave them down below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Follow the easy steps below :)

Step 1: Ingredients


-20 dates(standby in the warm water about 10 minutes)

-20 walnuts (hold about 5 of them for the toppings)

-2 tablespoon fat-free cocoa

-2 tablespoon coconut

-1 tablespoon solid coconut oil

-1/2 teaspoon vanilya powder

Step 2: How to Make?

First step : Put in the food processor about 15 walnuts and the dates (remove their kernel) after that add the oil,vanilya powder and cocoa powder. After 3-4 minute give them the shape of cookie and press half of the one walnut on the top of them. Put them in the fridge about 1 hour after that you can eat it. I hope you like it :)

Bon appetit :)

Sweet Treats Challenge

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Sweet Treats Challenge