Introduction: Recycled Book Art

In this instructable you will learn to make a hanging chandelier from an old, worn-out book. This step-by-step process is simple, kid friendly, easy, fun, and a good time filler. You can create recyclable book art with a family member or friend, it's that simple. Your book art might be used as a room decoration, gift for holidays/birthdays, or a way to recycle an old, used book. This wonderful room decoration will take no longer than 30 minutes. Now, enough reading, let's get started.


In this instructable you will need the following materials:

  • A book
  •  Any book that isn’t needed/wanted
  • If a book is in bad condition it can still be used just as well (I think it looks better torn and ripped!)
  • Ideally pick books between 100-350 pages
  • Book must be soft cover

  • String/ribbon
  • 1-3 feet of rope/string/twine/ribbon
  • Height depends on how high you want to hang it

  • Hot glue gun
  • Not more than one stick of glue
  • You can use any sticky substance (tape, glue, epoxy) if necessary, but hot glue works the best

  • Your hands
  • This one is pretty self-explanatory

Step 1: Fold Pages

Begin with the first page by folding the upper-right corner down to align with the spine. Next, repeat the first step, again but with the bottom portion of the page. See gif above for step-by-step tutorial video.

Step 2: Repeat

Repeat step 1 on every page except for the covers until all the pages are complete Concluding this step, your book will become a 3D triangle-ish shape.

Step 3: Fold Covers

On the back cover, repeat step 1. The cover page is not as simple. Fold the page into the book, folding it in the opposite way. Start with the top left corner then the bottom left.

Step 4: Making Chandelier (optional)

The last step is making your 3D book into a chandelier. This step is completely optional, this project still works as a desk decoration (you can always come back to this step later).

First take your hot glue gun and glue the covers together. Your pages might not be evenly spaced, so take your time straightening them out. There should be a cylinder shape hole running through the middle of the book.

Take your string and tie several big knots towards the end. Run the string through the book until it reaches the other side. You may need to attach the string to a skewer and push it through if your book is too small. Finally check if your string is secure (if not then add more knots).

Finally hang your book on a ceiling or shelf (really any place high enough). Congratulations, you have completed your book art!

Step 5: Share

Now that you have completed you book art, share it with others. Invite them to follow this instructable with their friends and family.

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