Introduction: Recycled Mug Plant Hangers

About: I'm stephen, an electronic engineer (BEng) from the most northern town in Lincolnshire, Barton upon Humber.
In this instructable I'll show you how I turned some old chipped mugs into an adorable collection of strawberry planters which are hung on my garden fence.


Materials you will need:
Old/unwanted mugs
Wood screws

Tools you will need:
4mm masonry drill bit
Hammer (optional)
Center punch (optional)

Step 1: Gather Materials

First you will need to get some cups and drill some holes in them for drainage. This is particularly important if you live in quite a rainy climate so the pots don't get water logged.
You will also need a very sharp masonry bit for this as the ceramic mugs are very hard to drill.

Step 2: Carefully Drill Holes

I drilled a few of the holes but it was really difficult due to the material so I ended up just drilling a starting hole and then gently tapping a screw through the hole with a hammer.

Step 3: Fill and Hang

Now it's simply a case of filling them with soil and hanging them in your preferred location. I've hung them on a shaded fence so the soil doesn't get full sun during the day otherwise it would dry out too quickly. Give them a good soak in to help the roots get established.

Step 4: Water and Enjoy