Introduction: Recycled Slip-proof Galaxy Rug

About: Hello, my name is Aniela and I want to warmly welcome you %(^-^)%. I love widely understood DIY. I hope my tutorials will help you making your life better and funnier. My blog : http://anielskaaniela.blo…

If you would like to add little '' outer space'' to your room you will love this idea of making your own galaxy rug. I made it slip-proof so it's safe even for children !


By the way I felt little overwhelmed sitting on this rug and watching ''Gravity'' lol

Step 1: Materials and Tools You Need :

You need:

  1. old black jeans
  2. acrylic paints
  3. brushes
  4. bleach
  5. spray bottle
  6. seam ripper
  7. hot glue gun
  8. comb

Step 2: Fabric

cut ''the legs'' as you can see on photo , upper part can become nice shorts ;-) (photo 1)

with help of hot glue gun glue both parts of the jeans in one piece
you can sew them as well (photo 2)

Step 3: Bleaching

fill the spray bottle with bleach and create galaxy shape with it

Step 4: Painting

put the first layer of white color with the help of sponge or brush (photo 1,2 )

next with the help of comb or / and net splash paint over galaxy and create stars (photo 3 )

with flat brush paint more visible stars (photo 4)

Step 5: How to Secure the Painting ?

iron whole painting and voila :-)

Step 6: Finishing

fray the edges using seam ripper

Step 7: Slip-proof

cut out from slip-proof silicone mat 4 small pieces in heart shape for example, next glue or sew them to all sides of the rug

Step 8: Ready Rug

Voila ! slip-proof galaxy rug is ready, put it on a floor or table or use it as a pad under computer or cover with it chair , couch ...

this rug is just perfect for meditation, to feel the connection with the universe, or reading some fantastic sci fi books like Solaris by Lem ( great book by the way!)

Rugs Challenge

Runner Up in the
Rugs Challenge

Dorm Hacks Contest 2016

Participated in the
Dorm Hacks Contest 2016

Glue Challenge 2016

Participated in the
Glue Challenge 2016

Epilog Contest 8

Participated in the
Epilog Contest 8