Introduction: Refreshing Mint Tea

Mint tea is well known for its cleansing and healing properties with stomach upsets. It is also a delicious drink that will fill you up without weighing you down!
 You will need...
- Mug
- Fresh mint leaves ( the more leaves the stronger the tea. personally I add around three sprigs as I like it strong!)
- Honey or other sweetener (optional)
- Boiled water
- Colander 

Step 1:

First, wash your fresh mint with cold water in a colander to clean off any dirt. 

Step 2:

Secondly, boil your kettle and then put the boiling water into the mug along with the mint (and honey if you chose to add it!)

Step 3:

Leave the mint tea to boil for 5 minutes (If you want  it stronger leave it for longer.)

Step 4:

And that's it! any questions should be left in the comments :) ENJOY!

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