Introduction: Release Migraine and Tension Type Headaches Through Massage

With the advancement in time and technology, the world is

becoming more and more business oriented. People have started becoming workaholic and do not have time to relax at all. All they do is work, work, and work. They get very less time for themselves. Their schedule engages them in such a way, that during the free time, all they do is rest. They are unable to calm down their mind and problems like a migraine, hypertension, anxiety, headaches and much more make their home in the mind of the people. Out of this migraine and headache prevail amongst the mind of mind of people more widely. However this prevalence of problems varied in different geographic regions. It is commonly found in people who are workaholic. Nowadays children have also fall prey to these problems due to the fact that they are burdened with the pressure of homework and extra co-curricular activities.

There seems no way to cope up with this widely prevailing problem. However, each problem comes with a solution. Seeking a professional massage will certainly help you to cope with these problems. People say that they have such a busy schedule that they do not even get the time for getting the treatment done. For all those who have such busy schedule, here are some self-massage techniques for migraines and severe headaches. These are not as efficient as a professional massage however this reduces the amount of pain we are suffering to a great extent and we can experience a sigh of relief.

Here is what needs to be done.

1. Make sure that you should have drunk a plenty of water before you try applying any massage technique.

2. Press your thumb on the bridge of your nose, beneath your forehead. Maintain a single direction i.e. towards the head. Do not apply the pressure such that it causes the pain. Breathe deeply during the action and repeat it 2-4 times.

3. Place your thumb beneath the eyebrows and make a firm press towards the forehead.

4. Pull your skin below eyebrow and hold. Make sure to do this in the opposite direction of the face.

5. Gently massage the side skin near the eyes in a circular way. Immediately discontinue if you experience any kind of pain

6. If either of the ways does not give you relief then make sure you should consult a professional for the same.

Your safety lies in your hand. Shove away the problem before it shoves you away.

Visit body massage services jaipur to more details.