Introduction: Rescue a Bluetooth From Laptop

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second usage to Bluetooth module from a laptop designated to the bind.....

Step 1: What You Needed

a Bluetooth module from a old laptop(normally is in the up right or up center of the screen of the laptop,when you open the front part of the screen laptop)....

a USB cable with male part

necessary to soldering and some heat-shrink tubing

Step 2: How To.....

the module Bluetooth have a little connector(normally is withe).....cut this connector and preparing all wires

to soldering.....!!

you have 4 or five wires: use only red,black,withe and green....other...zack......

connect with a USB cable,with same colors( in all cables USB you have 4 colors:red,black,withe and green and

the usages is:black=ground;red=positive 5 volt;withe and green is for data).....

cover all connections with appropriate isolation.....

you have a possibility to place this component in a appropriate choice ....

on windows seven,at the moment of you connect in USB,windows search automatically all drivers to permit the usage on your PC.....

Step 3: Transfer Data..

use Bluetooth to transfer data,music or other from/to PC and all other compatibles machines......

have fun and thank's to watch my instructable.....