Introduction: Retro Electric Tea Lamp

About: do androids dream of electric sheep?

A friend asked me to enlighten the peninsula (table) of its cuisine.

I saw these tea lamps in a supermarket.

I decided to buy them and give them a new and different life! :)

Step 1: What You Need:

  • Tea Lamp
  • Lamp Holder
  • Screwdriver
  • Sheet metal Cutter
  • Hole Saw
  • String
  • Few feet of Chain

Step 2: Light From the Bottom

I opened the lamp and removed the iron box of candles

I used the hole saw to drill a hole in the bottom of the lamp.

Step 3: Remove the Ring

I removed the top and the ring with a screwdriver and I cut for projecting parts with sheet cutter.

Step 4: Lamp Holder

I plugged in the lamp holder and I screwed its plastic ring and I shook with force.

I reassembled the top to the bottom and I did a test:

It works !!!! ;)

Step 5: The Chain

Before attaching the lights to the ceiling,
I tied a piece of string to the cable in the cup which hides the wires and I did go through the hole bottom.

Below, I used the wire to stop the first link in the chain (which must be twisted along the electrical cord to the lamp).

Step 6: At the End...

I attached the lights to the ceiling and I tried them!

Step 7: Si Può Fareeeeeeeee!!!!

YOU CAN DOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!