Introduction: Ribbit Ramp
The Ribbit Ramp is an inexpensive, easy to make frog or other small animal pool rescue system. Since small animals have a risk of falling and drowning in pools., you can save the small animals with the Ribbit Ramp. It is much cheaper to make without buying a pre-made ramp from the pool store. When an animal falls in, it may swim around the sides of the pool until it finds an exit. Unfortunately, it may not be able to make it the other side where the exit is, or it may never find an exit. So when the animal is searching for safety, it will come across the Ribbit Ramp and climb out of the pool to safety.
Step 1: Materials Needed
You'll need: a 48 inches long noodle, 16 inch noodle, a rope, 40 by 16 inches of shelf liner, and a least 8 cable ties.
Step 2: Starting Up
Take the shelf liner and the 16 in. noodle, then roll it up with the noodle like so. Then put cable ties to hold it.
Step 3: Cut It in Two
Cut the 48 inch noodle in half.
Step 4: Keep It Afloat
Put one half of the noodle on one side of the liner.
Step 5: Keep It Together
Put cable ties on the noodle to keep it there.
Step 6: Repeat
Now repeat the same steps (Step 4 and Step 5) with the other noodle.
Step 7: Finishing Up
Now, take the rope and put it through the 16 inch noodle so you can tie it on to and object. The ramp should be tied so that the short noodle is resting on the top rail of the pool- the frogs will then be able to climb out to safety.