Introduction: Rice Ghost Craft

About: We are two busy moms who want to help grown-ups get food on the table fast with recipes and activities to occupy the kids while they cook. Our ever-resourceful mom chimes in every step along the way.

Halloween is this month and the kids couldn't be more excited! While making our One Pan, Easy Pea-sy Chicken & Rice Recipe this week, we used a handful of extra rice to make these adorable Rice Ghosts. This incredibly simple craft brought smiles to my kiddos' faces and even inspired them to make a festive puppet show!


  • Pencil
  • Scissors (kid-friendly scissors)
  • Glue
  • Black construction paper
  • Scotch tape
  • Popsicle sticks (optional)
  • Plate
  • Bowl of rice

Step 1: Create Your Ghost

Draw and cutout a ghost on black construction paper.* Draw eyes and a mouth on your ghost.

*For toddlers especially, these tasks may require adult supervision and/or assistance.

Step 2: Cover Ghost With Glue

Cover all of your ghost with glue except for your ghost's eyes and mouth.

Step 3: Cover Ghost With Rice

Sprinkle rice onto a plate. Press the ghost with glue on top of the rice. Turn over and gently shake off access rice onto plate.

Step 4: Create Your Puppet!

Optional: Tape 1-2 popsicle sticks to your rice ghost to turn it into a puppet!