Introduction: Rice Krispie Cereal Snacks!

About: Musician | Gamer | Internet Resident
This is my very first instructable, and I hope that it will be detailed enough for you. If not, feel free to send me a message or leave a comment. :)

You're going to learn how to make yummy rice krispie snacks! Or with any other cereal. .
(I used Corn Flakes and Milo Cereal here) If you like sweets, this one's for you!

It's easy, fun and tasty! but be sure to have an extra sweet tooth! =D

Step 1: Ingredients & Materials

1. Cereal of your own choice (It's usually easier if you get Rice Krispies or chocolate rice type of cereal; if it's in smaller pieces, it'll be easier)

2. Butter (amount depending on how much you are making)

3. A bag of campfire marshmallows. (small marshmallows melt faster)

4. Peanut Butter (optional)

5. Big spoon(s) (to stir and all..)

6. Containers

7. pot/pan


Step 2: First Steps: Melting Marshmallows

1: heat pot/frying pan
2: melt butter
3: put in marshmallows (not all together!; i suggest melting little by little)
4: stir and completely melt marshmallows

Step 3: Next: Mixing!!

we're about halfway through already!

1: pour cereal into container/bowl or something.
2: pour in melted marshmallows and mix!
3: make sure it (the cereal and marshmallow) sticks to each other.
4: try to make them as compact as possible!

*note: this step must be completed in a few minutes, otherwise the marshmallows will start to harden and will make things hard for you. literally. ahha.

*while mixing, you may choose to add the peanut butter/chocolate

5: you can choose to leave it in the container and cut it up when it dries and hardens later on... or use your hands and make them into the shape of a ball! (or some other shapes if you feel artistic =) )

6: in about an hour [or less if ur impatient], they are ready to be snacked on! =D They are actually quite nice when the marshmallows are still warm.

7: store them in an airtight container in a cool place!~ and enjoy them anytime you want to! .

Hope you liked it! Feel free to post pictures of what you made! .