Introduction: Robin Hood Costume for Fall Squirrel

This is Robin hood the squirrel. He has a little trick or treating basket. This is the pattern for only the hat, belt and basket, the other pattern is a different instructable called Fall squirrel knitting pattern.


Yarn orange, brown, and green I used sports weight yarn from knit picks.

knitting needles I used 2.75

A tapestry needle

crochet hook

card board

Step 1: The Hat

With green cast on 24 stiches

1 knit

2 knit

3 knit

4 k4 k2tog 4 times - 20 stiches

5 knit

6 knit

7 Purl (ws)

8 k2 k2tog 5 times - 15 stiches

9 purl

10 k3 k2tog 3times -12 stiches

11 purl

12 k2tog 6 times - 6 stiches

Fold in half and sew together then fold up the brim.

Step 2: The Basket

Cast on 6 with orange

1 (ws) purl

2 kfb 6 times -12 stiches

3 purl

4 k1 kfb 6 times -18 stiches

5 (ws) knit for ridge

6 k2 p1 till end

7 k1 p2 till end

8 k2 p1 till end

9 k1 p2 till end

10 k2 p1 till end

11 cast off all but last 2 stiches work as eye cord for 2 inches or cast of all stiches and crochet a cord for 2 inches.

Sew up side and bottom of basket. Attach the handle and sew in the ends. Cut a small circle of cardboard for the bottom of the basket.

Step 3: The Belt

Crochet a 3-4 inch long chain.

Step 4: Putting on the Squirrel

Take the squirrel you made from my other pattern sew on the hat, belt, and if you want the basket.

Congratulations you did it the costume is finished!

You can sell the finished project if desired.

Halloween Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Contest