Introduction: Rocket Space Shooter Scratch Game

We made a Rocket Space Game because its cool and pretty simple, at first we made a basketball game but it didn't look good.


Any device with internet, Scratch, preferably a pc/laptop.

Step 1: Sprites

At first you have to get the rocks sprite, rocket sprite, button sprite(turns into laser), and you make a game over sprite.

Step 2: Pick the Stars Background

Search up Stars for your background.

Step 3: Make the Variables

Make a score and speed variable (hide speed). I know its blurry.

Step 4: Rocket Code

Do this code for the rocket.

Step 5: Laser Code

Do this code for the laser.

Step 6: Rocks Code

Do this code for the Rocks.

Step 7: Game Over Code

Do this for the Game Over code.

Step 8: Stop Everything

Do this code in every sprite, it stops all codes in the sprite. Its called stop all other codes in the sprite.

Step 9: Put the Game Over in the Front Layer

Put this code in the game over code to put it in the front when you do

Step 10: Have Fun!

It should look like this when you play, hope this helped. Have fun!