Introduction: Running Any Code on Raspberry Pi Pico. No Computer Connection and Soldering!.

About: My name is Owen Cao and I love to build websites and do robotics projects.

Learn to blink the onboard LED without it connected to the computer!


AA Battery box

Raspberry Pi Pico

2 AA Batteries

2 Jumper Wires

2 Alligator Clip Wires

2 Square Head Jumper Wires

Step 1: Wiring to the Pico

Connect 1 square head jumper wire to the VSYS and another to the GND next to it.

Step 2: Adding On

Connect a black jumper wire to the square head jumper wire that is connected to GND on the Pico. Then connect a red jumper wire to the square head jumper wire that is connected to the VSYS on the Pico.

Step 3: Wire to the Battery

Connect a red alligator clip wire to the red jumper wire. I don't have a spare black alligator clip wire, so I used green. I highly recommend you to use matching colors, otherwise you might be confused. Anyway, connect the a black alligator clip wire to the black jumper wire.

Step 4: To the Battery

Connect the red alligator clip wire to the red wire of the battery box. Then, connect the black alligator clip wire to the black wire of the battery box.

Step 5: Battery and Code

Finally, put in the batteries and type in the code. Click run before you remove the USB, and when you want to stop running the code, disconnect one of the jumper wires. Enjoy! Oh, yeah, also keep in mind that this will work on any kind of code.