Introduction: Rustic Wooden Chandelier

About: Love to spend time in my workshop, transform ideas in projects !

The Internet is a fantastic tool to find the inspiration for a project. Just like here at instructables :-D ...

For my lighting project, I found my inspiration here:

We talk about inspiration, because I wanted to have a little more '' rustic-chic '' vs '' rustic-barn style '' finishes ... That shall fit better with my overall home style.

I think I did well !

Hoping that in your turn, my project can inspire you !

Step 1: 3D Design

It's always a good idea to start your project with an overall drawing or 3D.

In my design, I needed 2 brackets to hold the beam ... so with the 3D modelisation done, I ensure that the proportion I wanted to have was respected ...

And it's so easy to generated 2D drawing when you have done your 3D model. (I used Autodesk Inventor) ...

Step 2: Brackets

I'm not well equiped at my house to bend 1/4'' steel bar ...

Thank you to ''Adwill'' (small metal shop near my house) that as made 2 for me ...

Step 3: Carving the Beam

I think that I've found a cheap way of doing it ...

I started with my skill saw to generated straight cut around what I'll need to remove.

After that, I drilled around an 100 holes at the desired depth ... Finally, I carve every material left with a wood chisel ....

It took me around 3 hours to complete the job ... not so bad !

The pocket will let enough room to hide any electric wire and in the same time, it come with a weight reduction of the beam ! Fantastic !

Step 4: Hardware Painting

Don't under estimate the time you will spend painting your hardwares. (naturally, if you want them painted) ...

Hardware are not so easy to paint (many surfaces and sides to cover) so it finished most of the time with 3 layers of paint.

Dont forget to do a dry fit of the installation to make sure you have the proper lenght of chain and all the chain accessories needed.

Step 5: Ceiling Support

Unfortunaly, I dont have any picture of the reinforcement I've done over the ceilling. (by the attic) . I was scared a little bit by the overall weight of my project (around 70 lb.) That's why I build extra support to make sure anchorage will be strong enough ...

Also, I removed the old lamp fixture. Done the ceiling patch required.

I didnt want any visible electrical fixture over the lamp, that's why a created new one directly in the attic, and just let the wire go thru an hole in the ceiling. It create a nice and neat finish !

Step 6: Wiring Lamp Sockets

My wish was to have a mix of sockets and bulb style ...

I bought 3 types of antique lamps and in the same way, 3 different types of sockets. Really simple to connect ...

Figure the length of wire needed ... In my case, I took about 10 feet for each lamp. Calculate 3 laps around the wooden beam. and still, I have spare lenght as you can see in the photo (bottom of the beam)

I have prepared 4 electric box inside the beam for a safe and secure connection.

I split my source of power in the attic in 2. (It's the 2 wires that you see going down the chains ...)
So in the first electric box, I connected one of the power, 2 lamp sockets and the bridge that brings the current to the second box.

In the second box, I already had the bridge, plus 3 lamp sockets. For summary, I had 5 lights plugged into the first 2 boxes electric.

Same thing with the two left box …power wire from the second circuit in the attic, one bridge and 2 sockets.

In the last one, I had the bridge, plus 2 lights ... I hope I was clear enough

Step 7: Finalise the Lamp

It was now time to install the lamp on the beam.

The only thing left (maybe the hardest part for a guy like me) ... do something artistic ... (play with a different height ...), choose which bulb should go there .... etc ...

I think I've done a good work ! The final result look artistic ? what do you think ? ;-p