Introduction: SEA CONTAINER
Hello, in this project I show you how to make
my SEA CONTAINER. First of all, I apologize for my lack of words, I still have to learn a lot. My mother tongue is not English and I am still learning. Thanks to all of you who are correcting me and helping me to learn. If you see any error, do not hesitate to correct me. If you like the video please Subscribe to my Youtube Channel.
In this post we are going to see and follow the steps that we must take into account in order to create a maritime container closet. In this project almost all the materials that I am going to use are recycled.
The materials are as follows:
⦁ 60mm x 60mm structural tube
⦁ 50mm x 50mm x 2mm tube
⦁ Galvanized folded sheet (Galvanized sheet is not appropriate) but it was what I had
⦁ 20mm round tube
⦁ 3mm black iron plate
⦁ Laminate board Tools:
⦁ Invert and Tig welding machine
⦁ Radial ⦁ Metal band saw
⦁ Drill The machines and materials that I have used can always be adapted to what one has and adjust the measurements to what one needs.
Step 2: WE BEGIN:
⦁ The first thing I did was clean the tubes and remove all the paint.
Step 3:
Once we have the tubes clean, we begin to cut giving them the same length as the width of the tube. In this case it is 60mm, so we give it that measurement. For this project we need 8 equal pieces.
Step 4:
Next, we need 16 plates to cover the sides and form a totally closed cube. I took out the plates, cutting a few more pieces from the previous ones, and cutting it at the corners (you can also remove them from a plate and it takes less work).
Step 5:
With the help of a magnet, I fix the pieces in place. First I score them, and then I already pay them with the Tig, with a contribution of stainless steel. It is not necessary that it be stainless steel but I like that the contribution is of greater resistance than the material to be welded (but these are each person's hobbies).
Step 6:
Once we have them all welded, we go on to rough them. I used a thousand sheet disc with open vision.
Step 7:
In the next step, it will depend if you respect the measurements that I have used.
First, I draw a line marking the center, following with two parallel lines from each 24mm side. With that we have marked the two points that we need.
Step 8:
The next step would be to make a guide drill, then pass a 14mm crown and open the holes.
Step 9:
Once we have all the holes done, now touch a little file and remove the burrs with a deburrer. I use that of my colleague Rocha KRG.
Once we have the corner pieces finished. We began to cut the tubes to form the structure, with the following measures:
4 = 120 x 50 x 50
4 = 90 x 50 x 50
4 = 30 x 50 x 50
Step 11:
⦁ This is one thing you must always keep in mind: DO NOT LEAVE THE GAS TAPS OPEN!
Step 12:
That's why I have to continue working with investing (which was not what I wanted). But it was either that or having to stop and not finish the project on time.
Now it's time to start forming the structure. First we form a rectangular frame, putting one of the cubes in each corner (take into account putting the holes outwards). As always, first of all, we point and check that everything is square. Once everything checked, we went on to weld.
Step 13:
Once we have the frame formed, we make a copy exactly the same.
Step 14:
We already have two exactly the same frames. At this moment you will realize that you are doing something really impressive, since it is at this point where the form begins to be seen.
We began to give height to our furniture. We are going to place the tubes that we have left, one in each corner, giving them a small welding point and being able to distribute them all. Once presented, we place the frame that remains on top of us and we also dot it. We recheck all the squads (this point is critical, we have to make it perfect since it would be difficult to correct it later). Once everything has been reviewed, we go on to weld.
Step 15:
I went over the interior part, where the doors were going to be placed, so as not to have friction problems, in the challenge it is not necessary.
Step 16:
Finally the new bottle arrived and I was able to weld again with the Tig.
Step 17: THE DOORS
We move on to the next step.
We are going to cut 50 x 50mm tube again. This time, we cut them with 45 degree miters. To get the measurements of the door leaves, I measure the inside of the hole and discount 5mm for each side. This is very little and it will not let you open both doors at the same time (if you do not want that to happen, discount more in the central part) and you can open both doors at the same time. As you like the most.
Step 18:
Remember: tap first, and
check, before welding.
Step 19:
In this step we review the welds.
Step 20:
Once we have everything reviewed, we move on to place the doors in place. I have used lug hinges, they stay much stronger than normal ones. As always we dot, check and weld.
Step 21:
And this is what it should look like (more or less).
Step 22:
We already have the entire structure of the furniture finished.
We go to the lining of it. I have used galvanized folded sheet. I know that this can generate a bit of controversy, since it is galvanized and the rest is not, but getting this sheet, in non-galvanized sheet is very difficult, at least in my area.
Step 23:
I could have also folded it, but I don't think it would have fit, since I don't have a folder and it stays the same, it's complicated.
Step 24:
I just dot the sheet.
With contribution of stainless steel.
Step 25:
We already have the sides and doors covered, now we are going with one of the most entertaining parts, since now there are many small pieces that have to be created.
Step 26:
We start: first we cut the round tube, which is the same length as the height of the doors.
Step 27:
We continue cutting two pieces of the same tube 2cm long. We have to cut these pieces lengthwise and with the help of a screwdriver we open them, until the tube passes inside (we can forget this step if we have a larger tube through which the 20mm tube passes) .
Step 28:
The next thing would be to cut two pieces of 2cm by 7cm. We go over them a bit with the thousand-blade disc and in the center we have to weld the pieces that we have previously manufactured.
Step 29:
With the help of a radial or whatever you have at hand, we are going to cut two pieces like the ones I show in the image (the central opening is one centimeter and three centimeters long, the rest is by eye).
Step 30:
Once we have this piece, we are going to weld a 30mm washer on the flat part.
Step 31:
I dotted it on the bottom and then I put a cord on the top.
Step 32:
The next thing would be to weld it to the tube that we cut previously (only one end).
And we go over the solder a little to make it smooth.
Step 33:
Very important in this step: place the parts that we previously manufactured inside the tube. If we forget we will have to cut the tube to be able to put them in.
And now we can weld the other end.
Step 34:
The next piece we have to make is a U (we use any 20mm plate that we have).
You have to weld it parallel to the pieces that we have welded at the ends and calculate that it remains on the flat part of the sheet, which we have placed on the door.
Step 35:
We drill a centimeter on each side (the size of the bit will depend on the screw you are going to put).
Step 36:
The next step would be to present our piece on the door and if everything is correct we weld it.
Step 37:
This piece would correspond to the shooter, which is about 30 cm long and wide, at one end it is 3 cm and at the other 2 cm.
We have to drill a hole the same as the one we made to the U-shaped piece. One centimeter from each side.
Step 38:
The following pieces I cannot give you many measurements, the truth, but basically they are two pieces in the form of (L) and a straight one.
You have to double double one of the L's, as seen in the image, taking into account that the shooter has to enter inside.
Step 39:
We have to make a hole in the other piece and in the two ends of the previous piece.
Step 40:
We make the same holes in the door sheet and we can now screw the part.
Step 41:
Keep in mind not to tighten the screw on top too much, so that you can turn the piece.
Step 42:
Now we take out the handle and with the help of a press and our great friend the hammer we give it the shape we see in the image.
Step 43:
We put it back in place and make two holes in case we want to put a padlock.
Step 44:
The last piece of the lock arrived.
We make a T one centimeter wide and the length you have to measure the distance that you have between the frame and the closure piece.
Step 45:
Once welded, we can check that our lock works.
Step 46:
This part is optional. I decided to weld some angles in the upper part, and then weld a three millimeter thick iron plate. I will use this part to put tools on top.
Step 47:
We measure the gap we have and cut the sheet that we need.
Step 48:
And the next thing would be to weld it to our furniture.
Well we have finished all the welding part. Now we move on to the painting and finishing part. Since the materials I have used are galvanized, I first gave it a zinc-based primer.
Step 50:
Once the primer is dry, we can give it the color we want. I have used a pine green.
Step 51:
Finally I have placed two shelves. I placed the central one with the help of two 20 x 20 mm tubes.
Step 52:
And ready! A little decoration with numbers and letters and we can now enjoy our furniture.
Step 53:
I hope you liked the post. Remember that the video is available on my YouTube channel, where you will see more details of the work processes that I have just described.