Introduction: Scare Your Friends With a Fake Error Message When They Start the Computer or Open a Program!


If you wanted to scare your friends or family members into thinking their computer is broken well this is the perfect tutorial.

I use this to scare my cousin which always calls me scared that "a virus has entered his computer". His reaction was epic so i thought i may share it with other people too!

We are going to make an error message appear by coding one line into notepad. Yes, simple as that!

Step 1: Step 1: Making the Error Message.

You firstly need to make the error message.

Hold the Windows button which should be a button on your keyboard with 4 squares on it while also holding R. This will open a box, type "notepad" (without the ") and press ENTER.

After notepad has opened, copy paste the following code:


Then, you can edit it:

  • Replace Text with the text you want to be displayed.
  • Replace Title with the window title you want to be displayed.

NOTE: Do not remove the " !

If you want, you can also modify the number, in this case is 16:

You can change 16 to...

  • 16 : Display a error icon and make an error sound.
  • 32 : Display a warning icon and make an warning sound.
  • 64 : Display a information icon and make an information sound.

You can add "+4096" (without the ") next to 16 to make the message always remain on top until the user closes it. This will also add a program icon on the right of the title which might make the error message look less real.

After that save the file but make sure you save it with .vbs instead of .txt, Windows might give you a warning message but just click "Yes".

Step 2: Making the Error Message Launch Itself.

Now that you made the error message, you need to make it launch.

There are two ways to do this:

One: Making it always start on startup.

If you run Windows XP, Vista, or 7, you can go to the start menu and find a folder called "Startup". Rightclick the folder and click "Open". Then add the program to that folder.

If you run Windows 8 or anything newer, hold the Windows key with R at the same time. When the run box appears (again) delete what it has in it and type "shell:startup" (without the "). A folder is going to open, drag the file in there.

Now, everytime the user logs in the computer he/she will get the message you wrote.

Two: Making it open instead of launching a program.

You can put the file in a folder and make a shortcut of it by righclicking it and selecting "Create shortcut". Move the shortcut of the file on the desktop (or wherever you want) and rename it to something silly like "Microsoft Office" or "Microsoft Windows Antivirus".


Thank you for reading! If everything gone to plan, or something went wrong, feel free to comment and i will reply in the shortest time possibile!