Introduction: Scare Your Friends With a Fake Error

This is kind of like my other coding instructable but this one with truely scare the crap out of your friends.

Step 1: Open Notepad

Open notepad: start, all programs, accessories, notepad.

Step 2: Start Writing


lol = msgbox ("

Step 3: Finish the Code


lol = msgbox ("Critical error!" ,16, "ERROR")

and copy paste 100 times

ps if you dont press enter after every paste you will get a real error

Step 4: Finish the Code


lol = msgbox ("Critical error!" ,16, "ERROR")

and copy paste 100 times

ps if you dont press enter after every paste you will get a real error

Step 5: Save

Save as all files Internet Explorer.vbs

Then make a shortcut

then right click the shortcut and click properties

go to change icon and change it to the internet explorer icon

delete the real internet explorer