Introduction: Science Flashcard Journal and Integrated Lesson
Charles Podgorny
December 10, 2012
EDUC-M 333
Integrated Lesson Plan
Content Standards:
· SC.2.3.5 2000: Investigate and observe things that can be done to the other materials (freezing, mixing, cutting, heating) to change some of the properties and observe that not all materials respond the same way.
· VA.2.6 2008: Studio Production: Develop a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas for artwork and utilize skills of critique, reflection, and revision
Learning Objectives:
· Make a hypothesis and observations to the experiment.
· Analyze what happens to a solid when heat is applied to it and record observations in the science journal they have created.
· Draw a prediction to what might happen to a candle when the wick is lit on fire.
· Have the students draw what they observe during the experiment.
Description of the Core Content Lesson: For this core content lesson I am going to show how materials can change when elements are added to them. To show this demonstration, I am going to have the students make predictions to what happens by having them draw a picture of what the candle might look like after it is lit. This will be recorded in their science flashcard notebook that they will make. After wards I will light the candle and have the students stand around and have them observe what is happening. I will then tell the students to draw what they observe and then have a class discussion about the student’s drawings.
I am going to introduce this lesson to the students by asking them basic questions such as “Can water be changed into something else?” or “Can materials change when they are exposed to the heat or cold?” This will get the ball rolling on the lesson and lead to a classroom discussion on what will happen to materials when they are exposed to certain elements. I will then have the students pull out their flashcard notebook that I had them create and have them draw a prediction of what will happen to a candle when the wick is lit on fire. After that I will have the students gather around and have them observe what happens when a candle is lit. The students will then return back to their seats and draw in their notebook what they saw. I will then ask students to share some of their drawings and what led to them drawing what. No resources will be used in this lesson.
Description of the Visual Activity: The hands on visual activity will be to create a notebook by stapling flashcards together and decorating the front cover. The students will use this notebook to draw predictions and observations to what happens to a candle when it is lit. The materials needed to create this flashcard notebook are five 3x5 flashcards, markers/colored pencils/crayons, and a stapler. To create this flashcard notebook all you have to do is staple the 5 flashcards together with two staples along the left edge of flashcards. Then decorate the front cover using the drawing materials. Then proceed to draw a hypothesis and an observation when the time comes. To create the notebook and to decorate the front cover it should take no longer than 15 minutes to create.
Integration Rationale: The visual activity that I developed can connect to the core content standard because the students draw what they are observing from the experiment that is being conducted in class. The notebook helps students remember what they are learning by drawing their observations in the notebook. This is an “instructional strategy” by having students practicing the methods of science by drawing pictures instead of writing down words. The students are reinforced in the standard by drawing predictions and observations in the notebook and drawing what happens to the candle when the wick is lit. Students also benefit from the hands on activity by learning creative ways to make learning fun and they improve their motor skills of drawing by looking at what they are observing and drawing it on paper.
Rubric: I will assess the visual product for learning outcomes to see what is inside the flashcard notebook. The drawing will be observed and the concept of the drawings will be graded. I will also critique my students on understanding of following directions, neatness, and creativity. The rubric below will be used…
· Understanding of Content Standard
1. Does not understand content at all.
2. Has very little understanding of the content being taught with a lot of misconceptions.
3. Has a good idea with the content being taught with a few misconceptions.
4. Has a complete understanding of the content being taught with no misconceptions.
· Understanding of Directions
1. Can not follow directions at all.
2. Has a problem staying on task while following directions.
3. Follows directions but may be distracted easily.
4. Follows directions without getting off task or being distracted.
· Creativity
1. Shows no creativity in flashcard notebook.
2. Shows very little creating in flashcard notebook.
3. Shows creativity in flashcard notebook, but there is room for improvement.
4. Shows fantastic creativity in flashcard notebook.
· Neatness
1. Flashcard notebook is not organized at all.
2. Flashcard notebook shows slight organization.
3. Flashcard notebook is mostly organized with some confusion in it.
4. Flashcard is organized and is easy to follow.