Introduction: Self Standing Snowman Figurine

About: As a cooking, animal, and craft lover, I understand how easy it is for beginners to get overwhelmed by the wealth of information available. This is why I have made this page, to make sure even beginners can en…

This cute little snowman figurine can stand by itself, and is a perfect addition to any home decor. You could use him as a candle holder, or even, with a few adaptions, as a key ring. If you enjoyed this instructable, please comment below!


3 Large Wooden Beads

Twine/ Rope

Hot Glue Gun

Wooden Ring

Bright coloured fabric

Step 1: Body

Thread one bead onto the thread, then tie a few knots so bead can't slip off. Glue at both ends, then thread the second bead on. Repeat this for the third bead, then trim the thread.

Step 2: Hat + Scarf

Cut out a circle of fabric, big enough to cover the bead, and a small rectangle of fabric. Glue the hat onto the top bead, leaving enough room for eyes, mouth and nose, to form a hat shape. Trim to desired length, then glue together by pinching the top. Now, to add the scarf, simply glue at back, wrap around and your done.

Step 3: Finishing Touches

Using a sharpie, draw a face any way you like, then add glue to the wooden ring, and press snowman down firmly until set. Your snowman is done.

Stay Warm Contest

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Stay Warm Contest