Introduction: Simon Says Game With Arduino
DIY Simon Says Game with Arduino ,
i will show you how to make a Simon Says Game using an Arduino , it's very simple ,
I'm suing Arduino Nano ,
Step 1: Full Tutorial
Step 2: Schematic Diagram & Component
- Arduino NANO X 1 .
Push Button X 4 .
- 1X Red LED
- 1X Green LED
- 1X Yellow LED
- 1X White LED
330r Resistor X 4 .
3.7v battery .
Switch Button X1 .
Plastic Box .
Lego square block X4 .
- Connect negative pin of the Buzzer to pin 4 and positive pin to pin 7 .
- Red LED to pin 10 . ( with 330r resistor ) .
- Green LED to pin 3 . ( with 330r resistor )
- Blue LED to pin 13 .( with 330r resistor )
- Yellow LED to pin 5 .( with 330r resistor )
- Push button for Red LED to pin 9 .
Push button for Green LED to pin 2 .
Push button for Blue LED to pin 12 .
Push button for Yellow LED to pin 6 .
Step 3: Coding
just upload the code
Step 4: Creating a Box for the Game
Cut a hole for each Button and each LED and one for th Arduino Nano
- Cutting the lego blocks to make it look like a button .
Place each shape with a color such as the LED next to it .
Glue the box .