Introduction: Simple Knit Ruffle Scarf

About: I'm Stephanie, a lucky stay at home mom to two adorably crazy kids, wife to a wonderful hubby, a DIY-er, crafter, seamstress, Pinterest addict, and a total worrywart!
Hey, I'm Stephanie from Pinafores & Pinwheels and I wanted to share this post you all you instructables lovers! I know there are about a gazillion scarf ideas out there, but here is my take. They cost under $5 and only take about 15-20 minutes. Pretty fabulous if you ask me! Which you don't, but I'm gonna tell you anyways! Heehee.

Step 1:

The first step is to get 1/2 yard of any color jersey. The first time I did this I was FREAKING out about sewing with knit, but honestly it is super simple! I just increase my stitch length and it works perfectly. If you use a serger just change it to a knit setting, easy peasy. Using a double needle gives jersey a more professional look, but I like the rows of stitching on this scarf a little further apart so I didn't use it on this project. So don't be scared! I do recommend practicing on a scrap first first.

I always iron my jersey first, seems weird I know, but it does help. Fold the 1/2 yard piece in half lengthwise, so you end up with a 9" x45" rectangular strip. Sew/serge the edges shut leaving a gap to turn it right side out. Flip it out, iron it and sew the opening shut. Now you have a lovely long rectangle. Thrilling, I know.

Step 2:

Now here is the fun part. Lay your fabric out on a flat surface and prepare to pleat like crazy! I find it easiest to use my clear rotary ruler. Lay it across the width of the fabric and measure three inches down.

Then take the fabric and pleat it upwards one inch so your ruler only shows 2 inches. I find this the easiest way to pleat since I haven't tried making a pleating board yet.

Step 3:

Pin the pleat down and continue the length of the scarf. You can make your pleats any size you want, but I like the look of this measurement best. It keeps the scarf long enough, but still creates lovely "ruffles".

Step 4:

Now that your scarf is folded, iron it! It helps keep it flat while sewing. You can sew it however you like, but sewing three rows down the center gives the center of the scarf body and still leaves the sides flowy (which isn't a real word! Guess I should stop using it!) and organic Measure your scarf across and sew straight down the center using the longer than normal stitch length.

Keep your pleats folded nice and even, which can be difficult and don't worry if it looks bad, (it will!), all will be ok once you unpin it. I sew a line of stitching on either side of the center row, totally optional.

Step 5:

Remove the pins (cause that would kind of hurt) and you have this.

Step 6:

There are a ton of ways to wear it, I always like to semi wrap it and pin it with a broach (aka, button with a pin backing glued on). LOVE! Now it just needs to get colder.