Introduction: Simple Waterproof Containers

About: I'm a student who loves making of all kinds. It could be building a diy windmill, cooking, photography, you name it and if I don't already know it I'd love to learn how. I am committed to making informative, g…
In this Instructable you are going to learn how to make a simple waterproof and air tight container. Due to the size of the finished containers they are perfect for keeping in a first aid kit or survival kit and can be filled with a various items like small single uses of Neosporin or anti-itch cream, iodine or other chemical tablets for water purification, matches or anything else you can jam inside a straw. As and added bonus depending on what you put in them they even float! So without further ado lets get on to the making.

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Step 1: Materials:

To make these versatile little containers your going to need a few things.

The bill of material is as follows:

Plastic drinking straws - The most important part, they can be any size as long as they are the plastic variety and not the paper ones.

Neosporin or other item - For this example I'll be using Neosporin as the item I'd like to stay dry but you could really use anything that will fit in the straw. Some other suitable candidates could be various other ointments and creams, salt and pepper, cotton for starting fires and if you are careful you can put a few matches in one.

Matches or a lighter - Used for sealing the straws. I had matches but a lighter would be more convenient as it can be lit with one hand.

Pliers and scissors - holding and cutting respectively.

Step 2: Cut and Seal:

Choose a length for your straws that will fit the item you are trying to put inside plus a 1/4 inch or so. Mine are fairly small so that they hold single use amounts of Neosporin but you could use the whole straw if your item is that big.

Once you have a good amount of straws cut to length you're ready to seal them. Take one straw and put it in the pliers so there is around an 1/8 inch of the straw sticking out on one side (Fig.2). Take your match or lighter light it and then hold it to the straw to melt It (Fig.3). Before the plastic cools turn your pliers and squish the plastic against your work surface to make an air and water tight seal.

Step 3: Fill:

Now it's time to fill the containers. I just took the Neosporin lined it up and squeezed in enough to fill up the straw. I then used the end of a match to push the Neosporin down into the straw to make about 1/4 inch of room at the top. When putting matches in I like to drop them in with the head at the already sealed end just to keep them as far away as possible from the heat while sealing the end.

Step 4: Final Seal:

To seal up the straw we just have to repeat what was did before. Take your pliers squeeze the straw so there's roughly an 1/8 inch on one side. Take your matches or lighter and melt the end, squishing it against the work surface like before to make a nice seal.

You're waterproof straw container is now complete. When its time to use them just cut of an end and squeeze or dump out the contents knowing that they will be perfectly dry. I keep a few of these in my first aid kit so I know I will always have dry matches, tinder, and things such as ibuprofen and Tylenol.