Introduction: Simple and Fast Internet Clock - Adjusted to Timezone and Daylight Saving Time

About: I like to combine electronics like Arduino's, ESP8266 etc with 3D designing and 3D printing.

This clock is a simple and quick project. It consists of only a few parts. The clock displays the timezone and daylight-saving corrected time. The brightness is controlled by my home automation which sends MQTT messages at sunrise and sunset.


Step 1: Hardware and Software


See the schematic for the connections. I soldered female header pins for the ESP-01S and TM1637 display on a perf board for easy assembling.


The code for my clock is on my Github. It uses the SevenSegmentTM1637.h and Timezone.h library.

Step 2: Assembling

The case for the clock is 3D printed. The STL-files are on my Thingiverse page.

The TM1637 display is glued to the front of the case. After connecting the display to the female headers, the back of the case is glued to the front.

The back plate is mounted to my bed.