Introduction: Skin Eating Prank

About: Let the fun begin. I am Tofugami. Please check out my other sites to more fun DIYs on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and

UPDATE: As promised, spring rolls instructable is now up. :-)

I love this skin eating prank accidently realized one day while I was making spring rolls. This skin eating prank would be great for when you need a good laugh, Halloween, or for a zombie.

Oh, by the way do you guys remember Goldfinger from Austin Powers? I used to gag every time I watched him eat his skin.


Step 1:

This is super easy, all you need is a spring roll wrap. You can buy a package from a local Asian grocery store or the Asian aisle of a grocery store.  

For those who don't know, a spring roll wrap is made of rice and a bit thicker than a sheet of paper.  When wet in warm water, it becomes pliable and is used to wrap noodles, veggies, and meat in something like an egg roll.  It's a much healthier alternative to egg rolls because it is not deep fried. Yes, I'll work on an instructable for spring rolls too so you can enjoy some real good eats too. 

Step 2:

Wash your hands then use kitchen shears to cut a spring roll wrap to the desire size that will fit the top of your hand.

Step 3:

Soak the wrap in a bath of warm water until it comes soft.  Then apply onto hand.  I'm using my husband as a model here.   Stroke it to thin it out a bit and ensure that there are no air bubbles or wrinkles.  The wrap should blend into your skin.  Add more water if you want it to blend better especially around the edges. 

Step 4:

Allow the wrap to dry enough that it's not too shiny.  It still had to be wet enough to still stick on to your skin. 

Step 5:

Okay, you are all set to play this prank. 

One of the perfect ways to play this prank on an unsuspecting victim or victims is to strike up a conversation.  While the other person is in the middle of talking, start scratching the top of your hand.  In the pictures you can see my husband playing the part and eating it. 
Of course if you want to go all out, you can too. 
Hope you enjoy and have fun eating your skin.