Slosh Pipe


Intro: Slosh Pipe

What the heck is a slosh pipe?!

No, it has nothing to do with making alcohol. It is a great versatile workout tool.

Essentially it is a long pipe with water inside. The water gives it weight for resistance exercises and the long pipe with an in even amount of water that “sloshes” around gives it an uneven center of gravity that forces the exerciser to engage more core and stabilizing muscles thus creating a more thorough full body work out.


10' 4" PVC pipe

4" end PVC End cap

4" end with valve, or pressure tester (Basically any 4" PVC end that can open and close*)

PVC glue (or any industrial glue water tightness may vary) -- Note pictured is not PVC glue I messed up and bought the wrong stuff.

*open and closing is for being able to change how much water is in the slosh pipe. If you don't care about being able to vary the amount of water you can just use two end caps.

STEP 1: Getting the 10’ Pipe Home

We were able to finagle it into our RAV4. It was difficult and not without its mis steps. I don’t think you could get it home in a smaller vehicle not without lashing to the roof.

STEP 2: Glue the The End Caps on the Pipe

Apply the pvc glue around each end of the pipe and secure the end caps.

The directions on the glue said to put it on the pipe and the place on the end caps in a torque motion.

I think that as long as it’s between the pipe and the cap it will be fine. Just make sure it’s water tight when it dries. If it’s not add more glue around the seams.

Let dry over night.

STEP 3: Fill With Water and Tighten the Valve

How much water you add will depend on your exercise level and your goals. Start light and add more as you get stronger.

The valve is key. You could make one with two end cap and never change the amount of water. What I don’t recommend is one of the screw cap ends. I made my first one with that. It didn’t screw on right and leaked all the time and I couldn’t unscrew it to fix it or change the water.

STEP 4: Work Out

Exercises you can do are:
over head squat
Over head press
Bench press
Walking lunge ( with arms over head or with it held to your chest)
Trunk twists

Really anything you can think of. There are great workouts online for this device. Perhaps I’ll do an instructable for the work outs too.


Upside down pics in the first set?

Cool idea, I'll try it once I have a minute.
Do you have a supply list?
I've edited to make a list. It's 4" PVC
I have never seen PVC glue for PVC pipe in a paste form in a tube. Normally, its a thick liquid that comes in a metal can with an applicator in the lid. It is a solvent that chemically welds both the pipe and the fitting together by melting the mating surfaces.
Yeah, that isn't PVC glue. Didn't realize till after. Wasn't paying attention. The stuff in the picture is the wrong stuff.
What is the tube diameter ? or the weight ?
I suppose that the best is to fill the tube with half of water
4" PVC pipe. The end caps aren't as important. You fill it with enough water to make it heavy enough but you don't want it too full, you want that sloshing around to work on stability. The parts I show here, the "pressure test plug" was the best option I found for a pipe that could easily open to change out water.
It would be helpful if you gave a list of materials with sizes. In the first step, you state to glue on the two endcaps,butclearly there is only one "end cap", and the other end is a "reducer", which adapts the large pipe size down smaller to accommodate the "pressure test plug" that you called a valve.
With the plug removed, tilt the pipe and pour in the desired amount if water. Insert the plug into the adapter and tighten until there are no leaks when the pipe is held level.
I can fix this. However I am not a builder. I don't know what these things are. I used 4" PVC and really you can just use end caps. It isn't required that it be able to open. You could fill it and seal it and the weight would be set. I saw that "pressure test plug" and thought that it would be easier to use then the end that had the screw cap for changing the amount of water. I had made one before with a PVC end that screwed off but it was hard to use.
I don't recognize the valve. Does it accept a garden hose? Can you explain and provide a source? Thanks.
Originally I made one with a screw cap. This one I found at Home Depot. The red thing just comes out.
It's an expansion plug, Google: expansion plug plumbing images
Sometimes called a test plug, used to plug openings so the piping can be pressure tested with air (or water).
Make sure no one is within 10 feet of you when doing trunk twists with it or you might just take them out. Good job on the Instructible. Thanks for sharing!.
This is for sure an out door exercise with much space requirements! You could make them smaller. I made a 6 foot one, but the whole balance center of gravity factor is lessened.
What kind of glue did you use?
I screwed up and the stuff in the picture is actually thread sealant. But they make a PVC glue. It is right there in the PVC isle. Works great. Any industrial glue could work, but it could leak.
PVC glue. In this case, you could probably use any household cement that is water proof and will glue plastic (NOT white glue). Gorilla glue would be fine. No pressure on the water, so it doesn't need to hold much, mainly not leak.
So happy to see that someone else managed to take out their windscreen when packing something long in to their car! Not just me then.

Excellent Instructable.
Ohhhh I had never heard of one of these! Very cool.