Introduction: "Smart Shield" - Portable Alarm System Using Arduino
Step 1: List of Components
Step 2: Testing 1 - Building a Simple Circuit With the Arduino, Motion Detector and LED Indicator
Step 3: Testing 2 - Adding a Speaker and Buttons to the Simple Circuit
Step 4: Testing 3 - Testing the LCD Screen
2. LCD Keypad Shield is connected to the arduino card. I uploaded the the code for a timer. The time in seconds, milli-seconds and micro-seconds can be shown on the LCD Screen. Pressing the 'RST' button resets the timer.
Step 5: Testing 4 (optional) - Setting Communication Between the Arduino and the PC With a USB Cable, Using Processing
I connected LDR light sensor and the 1K resistor to the arduino.
Step 6: Testing 5 (optional) - Setting Communication Between the Arduino and the PC With the Bluetooth Module, Using Processing
Step 7: Building the System - Electrical Diagram
Step 8: Building the System - Into the Box
Step 9: Uploading the Code to Arduino
Connect the arduino card to the PC with theUSB - mini-USB cable.
Run the Arduino software.
Download the libraries StopWatch and LiquidCrystal(Unzip them to the 'libraries' folder in the arduino folder).
For more information on these libraries, check out the following links:
Choose the board: Tools -> Board -> Arduino Leonardo.
For other boards, see more information regarding the serial1 connection (to avoid compatibility issues):
Verify The code and upload to the arduino.
Step 10: Android App
I wrote Android smartphone app (I have Samsung Galaxy S, running Android version 2.3.3) and it works.
The app connects to the "Smart Shield" device via bluetooth and receives alerts and notifications when a motion is detected.
I'm still trying to improve the app and develop more features and fix some bugs. This is an open source, so you can improve the app by changing the source code and adding to it.
You can view the source code in GitHub:
Both the source code and the app are available to download in this page.
Smart Shield (ver. 1.1) for android.