Introduction: Smart Watch Winder

Smart watch winder for menchanical watches


- Arduino C++ sketch running on an ESP8266EX D1 Mini from Lolin running @ 160MHz
- Raspberry + Home Assistant for Web GUI, automations and MQTT server
- ULN2003 BYJ48 Stepper motor
- SD1306 OLED 128x64 pixel 0.96"
- 1000uf capacitor for 5V power stabilization
- Google Home Mini for Voice Recognition

Step 1: Schematic

Schematic speaks by it self.

Step 2: Wooden Box

Six motors for six watches in one wooden box.

Step 3: Load Firmware Into Your Microcontroller

Firmware can be downloaded here.

You can flash it on an ESP8266 using your favourite flasher tool.

You can explore the source code here.