Introduction: Smart Watch Winder

Smart watch winder for menchanical watches


- Arduino C++ sketch running on an ESP8266EX D1 Mini from Lolin running @ 160MHz
- Raspberry + Home Assistant for Web GUI, automations and MQTT server
- ULN2003 BYJ48 Stepper motor
- SD1306 OLED 128x64 pixel 0.96"
- 1000uf capacitor for 5V power stabilization
- Google Home Mini for Voice Recognition

Step 1: Schematic

Schematic speaks by it self.

Step 2: Wooden Box

Six motors for six watches in one wooden box.

Step 3: Load Firmware Into Your Microcontroller

Firmware can be downloaded here.

You can flash it on an ESP8266 using your favourite flasher tool.

You can explore the source code here.

Make it Move Contest 2020

Participated in the
Make it Move Contest 2020