Introduction: Smoked Ham Wrapped Pork Minute Steaks Recipe



750g pork minute steaks

300g smoked ham

350g carrots

200g feta cheese

150g french soft cheese

300ml cream

salt & pepper

Step 1: Preparation

Scatter salt & pepper to the minute steaks. Lay 2 ham stripes crosswise and lay a piece french soft cheese on it. Lay a minute steak on it and a piece of feta cheese on top. Wrap the minute steak around the feta cheese and the ham around the minute steaks. Cut the carrots in small pieces. Scatter salt & pepper to the cream and stir it.

Step 2: Finish

Lay the wrapped minutes steaks on a plate with the ends down and place the carrot pieces. Put it in the oven at 180 degrees celsius circulating air for 25 minutes. Pour the cream on the plate and put it back in the oven for another 20 minutes. Serv it with rice or?

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