Introduction: S'mores Brownies!

About: Baking Lover. ♥ Insta: ♥

Hello everyone! I'm Malery, or Maly, and this will be my very first Instructable!
This is my recipe for super fudgy, moist, and delicious S'mores Brownies! I came up with them one day when I was craving S'mores, yet my family wanted I decided, why not combine the two?
Hope you guys like this recipe, and be sure to let me know if you try it out. For a detailed How-to, watch my Youtube video :)


Graham Cracker Crust
1 CUP ground graham crackers (TIP: grind them in a food processor/blender, or by placing them in a ziplock bag and hitting with a rolling pin)
6-7 TBSP melted butter
1 TBSP sugar

1/3 CUP flour (any flour works, I've even tested this on coconut flour!)
1/4 CUP cocoa powder
1/2 TSP salt
12 OZ semi-sweet chocolate chips
6 TBSP unsalted butter (for a healthier option, substitute with applesauce, you can't tell the difference!)
1/4 CUP + 2 TBSP sugar
2 eggs
1 TSP pure vanilla extract

Mini marshmallows (enough to cover top of pan, so 1-2 cups)

Step 1: Making the Graham Cracker Crust

Process your Graham Crackers (you'll need about 15-20) in a food processor or blender. You could also place them in a Ziplock bag and hit with a rolling pin until they are ground.

Combine all crust ingredients in a small bowl until it resembles wet sand that sticks together. Set aside.

Line an 8' square pan with parchment or wax paper (as shown in picture) and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Add crust and spread evenly, lightly pressing down with hands or spatula.

Bake at 375 F for 5-7 min, until lightly browned. Remove and let cool until it's at room temperature. Set aside.

Step 2: Making the Brownie Layer

[Preheat your oven to 350 F degrees]

Begin by melting chocolate chips and butter in microwave safe bowl or over a double boiler.

Stir in sugar, then mix vanilla and eggs one at a time, mixing until combined after each addition.

Add dry ingredients and stir with a whisk until combined well.

Pour batter over cooled crust, and spread into an even layer.

Bake in oven about 30-35 minutes.
[Or until toothpick inserted into center comes out with a few moist crumbs]

Allow the brownies to cool for about 10-15 minutes before proceeding with Marshmallow topping.

Step 3: Making the Toasted Marshmallow Topping!

Arrange your mini marshmallows over the brownie in an even layer. Make sure it covers the top of the pan completely.

Now, there a few ways to toast your marshmallows:

  1. In your oven's broiler
  2. Toaster oven on "toast" setting
  3. With a cooking torch (the one you use for creme' brulee)

The method you choose is up to you! Make sure to keep an eye on the marshmallows as they can burn pretty easily. I used the second method and only toasted them for about 1-2 minutes.

Once they are ready let brownies cool for about 5-10 minutes

Step 4: Serving Your Brownies! ♥

This is the final step! The brownies are all finished and look so pretty!

You can cut the brownies in whatever size you'd like, place them on a cute platter to make them stand out!

TIP: Wet knife with water after each slice to prevent sticking from the marshmallows

I hope you guys liked this recipe and try it out! These are extremely delicious and addicting, I love the layers and how beautiful they look together. The best part is it's not at all complicated to make!


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