Introduction: S'mores Cups

About: I am a person of many talents, a jack of all trades if you will. Most of what I do on a day to day basis is included in my interests. I am a Machinist with a degree in Mechanical Drafting trying to figure out…
On a wild hair today I decided to not only try to come up with a new snack/dessert for my S'more loving wife, but I thought I would do my very first Instructable.  I hope you enjoy these as much as we did.

Keep in mind I made this up, and upon posting this, I have only made this ONCE.  The measurements and such are in no way set in stone, so play around with it a bit.

Step 1: Ingredients

What you are going to need:

1. "Honey" flavored Graham Crackers
      -1 1/2 package (There are usually 3 packages in a box)
2. Unsalted Butter (I used salted....bad idea)
      -1 1/3 Cup
3. Mini Marshmallows
      -Didn't measure how much I used.....just kinda eyeballed it.
4. Milk Chocolate Chips
      -Yep....eyeballed this one too.
5. A cupcake pan
      -Mmmmmmm, cupcakes.

Step 2: Preperation

1. Crush Graham crackers
2. Melt 1 1/3 cup butter in microwave safe dish for 45 seconds
3. Mix butter into graham cracker crumbs until it's a wet sand consistency.
4. Spray the pan with nonstick cooking spray
5. Press the mixture into the cupcake pan to make the crusts
6. Set the pan in the fridge to set the crusts

Below is the long-winded instructions:

First thing you are going to need to do is crush your graham crackers into fine crumbs.  This will become our crust.  Its probably best to use a food processor to get even crumbs....but, I had some frustration to take out, so I went for the potato masher/rolling pin methods.  Just as long as you can get them into a fine crumb, do whatever works.

Next, melt your butter (1 1/3 cup) in a microwave safe dish.  We do not want to achieve a clear butter melt, just get it into liquid form.  I put the butter in for 45 seconds.

After you have melted the butter, mix it into the crushed graham crackers until it gets to a wet sand consistency.  Mix this well, and then spray the inside of your cups in your cupcake pan with nonstick cooking spray.

Press the mixture of melted butter and graham crackers into the greased cupcake pan.  The best way to do this is to press it into the bottom and form it up the sides.  This makes a nice even crust so you don't get a large clump of graham cracker.

Set the pan with the finished crusts into the fridge to set their form.

Step 3: Baking

1. Preheat to 350°
2. Bake crusts for 5-8 mins (or until the crusts dry ever so slightly)
3. Move one of your oven racks to the slot located second from the bottom of the oven
4. Fill crusts with marshmallows and chocolate chips, ensuring the top is marshmallows
5. Change the oven heat to broil
6. Broil the cups on the rack you moved toward the bottom, until the tops are golden brown
7. Let them cool before serving

More long winded instructions:

Preheat your oven to 350° and bake your crusts for about 5-8 mins.  Until they look like they are starting to dry out just a little bit.  I forgot to take pictures of this.

After you have baked your crusts just a little bit, move your oven rack toward the bottom, (2nd slot from the bottom), and crank your oven up to broil.

Fill your crusts with a mixture of chocolate chips and marshmallows, making sure to finish with marshmallows on top.  This ensures you get a nice toasted marshmallow top.

Broil your s'mores cups until the tops are golden brown.  Then, remove from oven and let them cool off so they come out nicely.

I was a bit impatient to take them out of the pan, and one fell apart........Tasted pretty good on ice cream!