Introduction: Snap Circuits Super-Simple Capacitor/Light/Rechargeable Battery
This is a really simple light, battery charge reader, capacitor charger, and if you like watching a pointer go up and down then its also a game.
If you are wondering how it recharges batteries, then follow the following bonus.
BONUS: How to charge a battery in this.
You can substitute the B4 for a B1 and then put the positive jumper wire from the solar panel on to the positive contact, wait a very short while and voila! Your charger is made!
Step 1: The Parts
You will need:
2 slide switches (or more if you want to substitute some press switches for slide ones)
1 Solar Panel (B7)
1 3.6 volt Battery (B4)
1 Hand Crank (HC)
1 3 Way switch (S5)
3 Press switches (S2)
1 Meter (M6)
2 470uf capacitors
1 100uf capacitor
1 LED (I used D5
Some 1-snap wires
Some 2-snap wires
Some 3-snap wires
Some other snap wires (up to 6-snap)
Lots of fun
That's it!
UPDATE: I forgot to add that you need some short jumper wires-about 3.
Step 2: Assembly
Use the pictures for help...
I built this before I took pics of the circuit...
Sorry for the inconvenience that this may have caused
There is a more basic version of it above (took before I knocked all the pieces off the board)
Step 3: Enjoy!!!!
If you made this, please do comment down below and enjoy your new circuit!
Also if you feel you have improved it, please let me know by typing in the comment section below!!