Introduction: Soil Moisture Sensor Case

About: I'm a maker. I love to create, I love to travel and I never stop dreaming...

The soil moisture sensor is widely used to optimize plant irrigation and avoid water waste.

The very good sensors that you can find at a good price in online stores, like Sparkfun SEN-13322 that I used in my Green Detect project, usually come bare, without a water or dust protection.

Considering that these sensors are very often installed outdoors, I thought of designing a special open source case to be printed in 3D.

This project is for Sparkfun sensor, if you use other soil moisture sensors, you can edit the 3d file to fit your needs

I am happy to share this Instructable with you and I hope you find it useful!


Step 1: Print Soil Moisture Case

Soil Moisture Case is composed by 2 parts: the box and the closing panel

Download the .stl attached files.

Print both parts

Step 2: Fix Cable and Gland to the Case Hole

Fix the cable gland and pass the cable that will connect to the sensor inside it

Step 3: Fix Soil Moisture Sensor

Slide the 2 sensor terminals through the 2 appropriate slots.

fix the sensor with 2 small self-tapping screws

Step 4: Connect the Sensor

Connect the wires to the sensor.

I suggest you to improve the fastening of the connection with hot glue

Step 5: Close the Case

Fix the cover with 4 small self-tapping screws

Step 6: Ready to Use!

Step 7: Enjoy Full Video...

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