Introduction: Spark Core Light Clock
Light based internet clock, image shows 12:30:45
Step 1: Setup Your Spark Core
Step 2: Attach Internet Button
Slot the spark core into the Internet button
Step 3: Use Web Page to Upload Code to Device
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Spark IDE.
#include "SparkButton/SparkButton.h"
#include "application.h"
/** * Declaring the variables. */ unsigned int nextTime = 0; // Next time to loop
SparkButton b = SparkButton();
int led2 = D7; // This one is the built-in tiny one to the right of the USB jack
void setup() { // Initialize D7 pin as output
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); b.begin(); }
void loop() { if( % 2) { digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
} else { digitalWrite(led2, LOW); } if (nextTime > millis()) { return; }
int timestamp =; int hour = Time.hourFormat12(timestamp); int minute = Time.minute(timestamp)/5; int second = Time.second(timestamp)/5; b.allLedsOff(); b.ledOn(hour, 32,0,0); b.ledOn(minute, 0,32,0); b.ledOn(second,0,0,32); if(second == minute) { b.ledOn(second,0,32,32); } if(second == hour) { b.ledOn(second, 32,0,32); } if(hour == minute) { b.ledOn(hour,32,32,0); } if(hour == minute && hour == second) { b.ledOn(hour, 32,32,32); } nextTime = millis() + 200; }