Introduction: Spiked Open Heart Pendant

I utilized Tinkercad to craft a pendant in the exquisite Open Heart style, seamlessly bringing it to life through the artistry of casting.


3D printer

Metal of choice (I used Pewter, a tin-based alloy)

Cupola furnace(s)

Green sand for casting


Files of different grits

Buffing or polish wheel


Step 1: 3d Model

Once you've fashioned your desired piece, bring it to life by 3D printing it using the filament of your choice.

Step 2: Casting

Employing green sand, imprint the shape by evenly pressing the piece into the sand, ensuring to create a channel for the molten metal to flow into the desired form.

Step 3: Dremel

Once your casting has cooled, skillfully remove excess metals and refine the piece. In this instance, I employed a Dremel to delicately remove any small imperfections in the casting.

Step 4: File

Now that your piece is cut to your liking, it's time to refine it further. Begin with a low grit file and gradually progress to higher grits, ensuring to file in one direction only for a smoother finish.

Step 5: Polish and Admire

Finally, with our piece in hand, a polished finish awaits. Achieve that glow using a buffing wheel or, in this case, a chosen polishing cloth.

Before polishing, ensure your jewelry is clean. Wipe it with a damp cloth dipped in soapy water. Use the polishing cloth in a back-and-forth motion on small areas.

After polishing, inspect your jewelry to ensure it meets expectations. If any tarnish or spots remain, repeat the process.