Introduction: Stackable Objects: CompFab Project 2

The second project for Computational Fabrication: Stackable Objects.

Using Rhino and Grasshopper, I followed the class tutorials step by step in order to understand transformations. I then started playing with form for my stackable objects by adjusting the curve to be revolved, wanting to create a vessel that entices the viewer to reach out and feel it, examining the surfaces with their palms to understand the tactile affordances of the shape. After I was satisfied with the form in rhino, I exported the file as an STL and used Cura to slice the object for printing. As the objects stand, they would take 10 hours to print. I had enough time for that, but I chose to cut down printing time by rescaling the model and compressing the objects in the y and z axes, which cut down printing time to 5 hours, which would give me enough time to reprint just in case the first print failed.

Step 1: Follow Tutorials

1. Tutorial for transforming and rescaling

2. Tutorial for creating multiple geometries with a for loop in python code

3. Stackable objects tutorial

These tutorials were fairly straightforward and intuitive. I understand how every aspect of the Python and Grasshopper code fit with what was displayed in Rhino.

Step 2: Adjusting the Input Curvature

After free-handing a couple of curves and trying out different iterations of my stackable forms, I landed on a final image that I was satisfied with. I wanted the form to afford tactile interaction with the surface of the shape. In order to elicit this, I gave the surface several unique curves, varying the thickness and proportion of the inside wall to the outside wall. I aesthetically enjoy the inside form, as it reminds me of the way a pot is shaped on the wheel. The tactile aspect of opening up a clay form was reminiscent in the Rhino making process as well as the printing process.

Step 3: 3D Print!

I exported the stackable forms to Cura and sliced the form. However, without modification, the print time was 10 hours. I adjusted the scale of the x, y, and z axes to cut the printing time to 5 hours, resulting in the final stackable model.

Printing, however, was a bit of a disaster. I am currently on print #3, as the first one failed for an unknown reason (I was away from the printer for a few minutes when it failed, so I couldn't see what happened) and the second one failed because the spool of filament got tangled during the printing process.

Update: Ran out of filament for my 3rd print! Paused it until I get my new filament in, then will continue the same print.

Update 2: Printed with wood-colored PLA filament, resulted in a successful and stackable print.