Introduction: Steps, Sweat, and Strength- 35 Minute Workout

This year I had pledged to be better to myself. To move. To sweat. To get stronger. 2020 hasn't exactly allowed me to achieve what I had set out to do...but this home workout has been keeping me sane. And sweaty.

I figured out that a loop around my block is about 1/4 mile...added into this workout I get a mile worth of steps in. Before you begin, you may want to use a GPS tracker to figure out the length of the outdoor portion of this workout. Or, just jog around your home for 4-5 minutes if going outside isn't an option!


You'll need a set of light weights (or soup cans, or wine bottles, etc), tennis shoes, a mat or towel, a timer (I use my phone), and water!

Step 1: 2 Minute Warm Up

  • 10 small shoulder circles forward
  • 10 small shoulder circles backwards
  • Straddle legs a little more than hip distance apart, sweep arms overhead then bend over and touch the floor.
  • Walk hands over to right foot, keep left hand on right foot, twist with right arm to the sky. Switch sides. Hold each twist for a count of five.
  • Bring hands back to center, step feet back into a plank.
  • Tap right shoulder with left hand, alternate sides (that counts as 1) Do this 10x.
  • Push back into downward facing dog. Take three deep breaths.
  • Walk hands back to you feet and slowly roll up to a stand.
  • Balance on right foot and hold you left foot behind you in your left hand. Switch sides. Hold each quad stretch for a count of five.

Step 2: Get Outside! or Stay Inside and Get Moving!

1/4 mile power walk or jog. For me this is a loop around my block.

If outside isn't an option fo you- set a timer for 4-5 minutes and jog, power walk, skip, or dance your way around your home. Your family/roommates/pets will LOVE IT!


Power Series 1: Two power moves (see descriptions of moves at bottom of page) with rest and weights in between. Counting down in sets of 21, 15, and 9.

21: Burpees

21: Thrust squats with weights

30 second REST

30 second bicep curls

15: Burpees

15: Thrust squats with weights

30 second REST

30 second tricep extensions

9: Burpees

9: Thrust squats with weights

Burpees: Begin in a standing position. Move into a squat position with your hands on the ground. Step or jump your feet back into a plank position. Do a pushup. Step or jump your feet into squat position and explode into a jump, stand again.

Thrust squat with weights: Stand with feet hip width apart. Arms bent with dumbells at your shoulders. Shoot your booty back into a squat, then explode up pushing your arms overhead.

Bicep curls: Hold a pair of dumbbells by your side, palms facing forward. Bend your elbow, pulling your hands towards your shoulder slowly and with control. Pause, and lower down slowly all the way to the bottom.

Tricep extensions: Hold a pair of dumbbells over your head with your palms facing each other. Bend your elbow, dipping the weights behind your head. With control straighten your arms over you head.

Step 4: Get Outside! or Stay Inside and Get Moving!

1/4 mile power walk or jog. For me this is a loop around my block.

If outside isn't an option fo you- set a timer for 4-5 minutes and jog, power walk, skip, or dance your way around your home. Your family/roommates/pets will LOVE IT!


Power Series 2: Two power moves with rest and weights in between (see descriptions of moves at the bottom of the page). Counting down in sets of 21, 15, and 9.

21: Pushups

21: Squat jacks

30 second REST

30 second back fly with weights

15: Pushups

15: Squat jacks

30 second REST

30 plank with side twists

9: Pushups

9: Squat jacks

Pushups: Plank position. Either lower knees to the ground or use your full body weight. Keep body tight, bend elbow to 90 degrees and push back up.

Squat Jacks: Similar to jumping jacks but when legs open squat down deep and jump back up with feet and hands together.

Back fly: Lean over with knees bent. With palms facing each other, let the dumbbells hang straight down from your shoulders. Keeping your back flat and your torso sill, raise your arms straight out to your sides until they’re in line with your body. Return to starting position.

Plank with side twists: Hold plank postion. With control, lift your hand into the sky, twisting your side body and lower to the ground. Alternate sides.

Step 6: Get Outside! or Stay Inside and Get Moving!

1/4 mile power walk or jog. For me this is a loop around my block.

If outside isn't an option fo you- set a timer for 4-5 minutes and jog, power walk, skip, or dance your way around your home. Your family/roommates/pets will LOVE IT!


Power Series 3: Two power moves with rest and weights in between (see descriptions of moves below). Counting down in sets of 21, 15, and 9.

21: Situps

21: Bicycles (1 cycle of both legs counts as one)

30 second REST

30 fire hydrant leg lifts RIGHT

15: Situps

15: Bicycles (1 cycle of both legs counts as one)

30 second REST

30 fire hydrant leg lifts LEFT

9: Situps

9: Bicycles (1 cycle of both legs counts as one)

Situps: Lie on your back with knees bent. With hands behind your head, engage your core and lift your torso to your thighs. Carefully lower yourself to the floor.

Bicycles: Lie on your back with legs up at a 90 degree angle. With hands behind your head left your head just off the floor, alternate opposite elbows to knees. Peddle legs as if your were on a bike.

Fire Hydrant leg lifts: Come into tabletop position, hand and knees on floor. As if your were a dog, lift your leg to hip height then lower back down. Maintain a strong core and keep the bend in your leg.

Step 8: Get Outside! or Stay Inside and Get Moving!

1/4 mile power walk or jog. For me this is a loop around my block.

If outside isn't an option fo you- set a timer for 4-5 minutes and jog, power walk, skip, or dance your way around your home. Your family/roommates/pets will LOVE IT!

Step 9: PLANK TIME!!

Plank challenge. I've been trying to add at least 15 seconds every week. Start with 30 seconds!

Step 10: Cool Down Stretches

  • Lie on your back with knees bent. Cross right ankle over left knee. Gently lift legs and hold with hands behind left leg. Switch sides.
  • Gently roll up to a seated position. Legs straight out front. Stretch forward to your toes.
  • Straddle legs. Gently stretch to the center then to each side.