Introduction: Strawberry Orange Juice Smoothie

One of my favorite smoothies is the most simple, one morning I was looking for something with a lot of flavor, and thought my bag of frozen strawberries would go great with orange juice, so I blended them up and was pleasantly surprised, I've been making this ever since.

You will need:

a blender
1 cup of frozen strawberries
one cup of orange juice.

Add all ingredients to the blender, press the blend button, blend till smooth, pour and serve. Makes approximately two 6 ounce servings. Approximately: 85 calories per serving. (I used the diet tracker on to figure up the calorie count.)
Le Creuset Brunch Challenge

Participated in the
Le Creuset Brunch Challenge

Smoothie Contest

Participated in the
Smoothie Contest

Colors of the Rainbow Contest

Participated in the
Colors of the Rainbow Contest