Introduction: Strawberry and Banana Slush Smoothie

This is a really tasty summer treat, that is sort of healthy and really easy, quick & fun to make!

200g Fresh strawberries
150g Frozen strawberries
1 whole banana
350ml White grape juice with peach

These are very much open to your tastes, and I generally do it by eye!
In the frozen section of my supermarket they do frozen fruits, I found a frozen strawberry and banana mix, but they also have other berries that would work nicely, or you can freeze your own the day before! The juice I found in the store was a grape and peach - which is nice - but again use what you have.

Step 1: Preparation

Wash the fresh strawberries, and chop the green bits off the them.
Peel the banana

Step 2: Blend!

Add the fresh ingredients to the blender.
Then add the frozen strawberries and banana slices.
Then add the juice.
Then blend until you have a smoothie.

I like to use the frozen fruits as the drink is not diluted - and has yummy icy strawberry bits in it! But I guess you could use ice cubes, frozen juice or freeze your own strawberries!

Step 3: Consume!

There should be enough to make 2 or 3 servings from the mix, I added a stirrer and a straw!!

You could also put the mix into a lolly mould with a stick - and make a tasty ice lolly!
Sometimes I like to add vodka for a refreshing cocktail!

Frozen Treats Contest

Participated in the
Frozen Treats Contest